Friday, March 5, 2010

Hanasuke Yukimori

Name: Hanasuke Yukimori
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Species: Ho'Din
Homeworld: Moltok
Affiliation: Freelance
---Traits: Very religious, often prays for long periods and fasts from time to time, softspoken, skilled healer when it comes to botany and herbs
---Likes: Prayer, meditation, contemplation, nature in all forms
---Dislikes: Droids and most forms of technology that seem to be "excessive"
---Habits: Isolates himself frequently to pray or often admires flora on whatever world he is on without regard to the current objective
---Skin Color: Deep indigo
---Hair Color: Red snake-like tendrils drawn back into a ponytail
---Eye Color: Onyx black
---Clothing: white shitagi, black kosode, black hakama, white hakama-himo, white tabi, wooden geta, white haori with an earthen clay-colored underside
---Other Attributes: Two hearts, suction-cup fingers, cold-blooded
Weapons: A wooden handle of a scythe which lacks a blade. However the blade protrudes much like that of a lightsaber
The Force
---Sensitivity: Moderately high
---Religion: Dinante Fli'R, formerly a member of an underground Sith cult
-----Crystal(s): N/A
-----Blade(s): Single scythe blade
-----Color(s): Yellow-orange with a red core
-----Handle Description(s): A rather odd wooden shaft in the shape of a farmers scythe handle
---Force Abilities: Plant surge, force drain, revitalize
---Force Weakness: Unknown
---Personal History: Once a proud son of Master Gardener Yuritaro, Hanasuke was taken from his homeworld during his early years during a raid by Makurth initiates of a sweeping Sith movement. As the cruisers passed overhead, the Makurth stole the most brilliant minds among the Ho'Din as well as the children who were no older than 10. The rest of the settlement was swept up in the attack and an orbital bombardment had finished off the surrounding areas leaving nothing but desolation.
Hanasuke was herded into a room full of other young students of various races onboard the Sith vessel, each one staring at the other in wonderment. It had likely been the first time any of them had met. The Cultists gave the children their dark robes for training and set them about meial tasks about the ship. For the time, they were to be slave labor.
As the years passed, the Cultists began to weed out the Force-sensitives among them. Luckily, Hanasuke had a great aptitude with plants and was placed in the artificial gardens on the ship. All of the others who were not as adept with the Force were given armor, weapons, and sent to raid settlements just as they had done on Moltok. Hanasuke worked alongside another Ho'Din taken from a colonized world who served as his mentor. His mentor was known only as Tel'Vaasis, and he taught him many religious rites that had not been taught to him as a child. Each day they would pray to Dinegia to guide them through their captivity with the Sith, but the more they prayed, the more futile it seemed.
There came a time much later when the Sith vessel was attacked by the Yuuzhan Vong who quickly boarded and struggled against the Sith and their warriors. Hanasuke fought bravely against them, only to have witnessed the deaths of many of the children (now adults) he had met on his first time upon the ship. Backed into a corner, Hanasuke was met by his fatally wounded Mentor who ushered him into one of the many escape pods. No words were exchanged, merely a glance, and Hanasuke was rushed out into the blackness of space within a cramped pod.
Until now, he had remained dormant among many agricultural worlds, studying starcharts in his spare time whenever he could find them. He would stow away on various vessels or barter passage to such worlds, hoping that to honor his Mentor's memory, he could do so through the admiration of flora.
---Military History: N/A
---Traumatic Experiences: Having to leave his Mentor behind at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong

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