Monday, November 16, 2009


Name: Jaxson
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, assumed to be around 20
Species: Human
Homeworld: Also unknown, woke up on Hoth.
Affiliation: Rogue
---Traits: Overly redundant
---Dislikes: Hard workers, people with no sense of humor
---Habits: Eating, brushing off his left shoulder
---Skin Color: Tan
---Hair Color: Black
---Eye Color: Black
---Clothing: Torn brown shorts, sleeveless tan shirt
---Other Attributes: Long hair, pulled back in a ponytail. Missing the pinky and ring finger on his left hand.
Weapons: Two Lightsaber’s, mostly for reflecting blaster fire, used as backups, mostly fights with fists.
---Name: None
---Class: Lambda Class Shuttle
---Hyperdrive Class: 1
---Weapon(s): 6 blaster cannons, 4 laser cannons with rotating turrets
---Shields: Standard Imperial
---Sublight Speed: .2 c
---Crew: 2
---Passenger(s): 0
---Other Details: Highly damaged, barely running, used only to make it to Hapes Consortium
The Force
---Sensitivity: Knight
---Religion: Jedi
-----Crystal(s): Jenruax
-----Blade(s): 1, 2.5 feet long
-----Color(s): Black, silver
-----Handle Description(s): Standard
---Force Abilities: Force Push, Force Pull, Lightsaber Throw
---Force Weakness: Lightning, Choke, Force Push
---Other Force Object(s): A tube with black and silver gems, the goal is to use the Force to separate the two colors of gems, memento from childhood, called a Vortei.
---Personal History: None
---Military History: None
---Traumatic Experiances: Woke up on Hoth, in a bacta tank of a wrecked spaceship with no memory of events beforehand. Instinctively found his own belongings, his clothing, Vortei, and his two lightsabers. The lightsabers triggered his instincts, causing him to know how to weild them and use the Force out of habit.

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