Monday, November 23, 2009

Vexal "Vex" Qreen

Name: Vexal "Vex" Qreen
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Species: Nautilan
Home world: Glee Anselm
Affiliation: Rogue Jedi Knight
---Traits: Vex tends to be laid back. He doesn't view the Force in terms of Light or Dark, but rather examines people's motives for their actions. To him, healing can be of the Dark Side as much as choking someone. It's all dependant on why a person does it. He tends to be sarcastic, and brusque, seeing no reason to sugar coat anything. He does, however, have a soft side if one can cut through all the bantha poodoo. Vex is also exceedingly intelligent, adding to his sometimes infuriating personality.
---Likes: Pazaak. Flying. Sparring.
---Dislikes: Anyone/thing he deems as stupid. Holds a controlled intolerance for weakness.
---Habits: Tends to shoot his mouth off, and can seem superior.
---Skin Color: Olive Green (A few tones brighter than Kit Fisto)
---Hair Color: None
---Eye Color: Black
---Clothing: Black flight suit, and a set of black Jedi robes
---Other Attributes: Stands 1.72 m in height. Weighs about 91 kg. Competent slicer.
---Other Details: Vex's head tentacles drop down to the small of his back.
Weapons: Lightsaber
---Name: None officially. Vex simply refers to it as "The X"
---Class: Modified T-65 A3 X-Wing
---Hyperdrive Class: Standard
---Weapon(s): Four laser cannons, Photon Torpedoes
---Shields: Modified with E1 E-Wing shielding
---Sublight Speed: Modified with T-65 XJ1 engines
---Crew: Astromech droid: Designation H2-G2.
Vexal lovingly nicknamed it "Dent" due to its battered casing. (Pat on the back if anyone gets the joke!)
---Passenger(s): None
---Max Cargo (kg): Standard torp load, pilot, astromech
---Interior Description: X-Wing standard. Flight control stick.
---Other Details: The X-Wing has harsh black and red highlights complementing its white base coat.
The Force
---Sensitivity: Aligned more towards the Unified Force. Akin in strength to Anakin Solo (SBS)
---Religion: None. Views the Force as a gift that should be used, not sat on.
-----Crystal(s): Opila (x2), and Artificial (x1)
-----Blade(s): Double-bladed. Its beams are intense and strong. One half is dual-phase, switching to a thinner, fencing blade with a twist of the hilt (a la Corran Horn)
-----Color(s): Blue (Opila) / Second phase is Red (Artificial)
-----Handle Description(s): The handle of Vex's lightsaber measures about 41.5 cm in length (About 50% longer then a single hilt and 1/2 the length of a normal double-blade) allowing Vex to fight in both double and single blade styles. The handle is painted black with silver etchings along its length, as well as rubber grip pads. It contains independent internal Force activators as well as external power studs.
---Force Abilities: Force Lightning, TK (not above pinching arteries closed), Battle Meditation, Other Basic Jedi Techniques (Healing trance, Jumps, etc.)
---Force Weakness: Living Force. Weak in detection through the Force. Complex illusions.
---Fighting Style(s): Shien, Ataru, Makashi
---Personal History: Vexal Qreen was born on Glee Anselm, the home planet of Nautiloid legend, Jedi Master Kit Fisto. His abilities manifested early, attracting expectations that Vex might follow in Fisto's footprints. Though he despised the expectations, Vex was enrolled in Luke Skywalker’s Yavin 4 Academy shortly after the Black Fleet Crisis, and achieved the level of Knight shortly before theYuuzhan Vong invasion. He fought on the Tafanda Bay at the battle of Ithor, as well as in many other battles throughout the war. His attitudes followed those of Kyp Durron. Yet despite his differences, he always respected the judgment of Luke Skywalker. Still, his attitudes towards the Force (including his Force Lightning), and towards combat worried some of the more conventional Jedi. After he flew in the battle of Mon Calamari, he withdrew from the military, and then from the Jedi in protest to the increasing politics within the Order.
---Military History: Lieutenant Qreen began to fly for Talon Squadron after the Mykr incident, and flew with them until the battle of Mon Cal (Talon 10). He took his modified A3 X-Wing as a retirement gift after the war ended.
---Traumatic Experiences: None notable.

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