Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fyar Escalos

Name: Fyar Escalos
Gender: Male
Age: Chronological age: 32. Actual age: 27.
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Personality: Laid back off-duty, focused on-duty.
---Traits: Best with a projectile weapon, such as a sniper rifle or shotgun. Stronger, faster than normal human.
---Likes: Well-made gear. Blasting battle droids in half.
---Dislikes: Battle droids. Insane Criminals.
---Habits: A tendency to keep one hand on his weapon. Tapping the floor with his foot when bored.
---Skin Color: Fair
---Hair Color: Black
---Eye Color: Green
---Clothing: Usually brown, with light body armor most of the time.
---Other Attributes: N/A
---Other Details: N/A
Weapons: Prefers projectile weapons, has a sniper rifle capable of firing various loads, from tranquilizers, to explosives, etc. A projectile pistol, and a blaster carbine, as power packs are easier to come by than explosive rounds. A shotgun.
---Name: N/A
---Class: TIE Defender
---Hyperdrive Class: 2
---Weapon(s): Four laser cannons, two ion cannons, and two proton/concussion missile launchers.
---Shields: Moderate
---Sublight Speed: High
---Crew: One
---Passenger(s): None
---Max Cargo (kg): Unspecified
---Interior Description: Being spherical, it as more interior space than say, an x-wing.
---Other Details: Torpedo capacity has been reduced from eight, to four, to make more room for equipment.
The Force
---Sensitivity: None
---Religion: None
---Force Abilities: Impossible to detect in the force, or have force powers used against.
---Force Weakness: None
---Other Force Object(s): None
---Personal History: When he was a baby, a jedi on the run from Darth Vader found him, and realized he was force-sensitive. The jedi knew that if Vader found Fyar, he would probably kill him, or turn him into a dark jedi. Not wanting either to happen, the jedi did something that changed the nature of the force in him, taking away his force sensitivity, but also making him invisible to the force, like the Vong. This ‘force change’ had two side effects: one, for the first five years of his life he was in a ‘force coma’ that was like stasis in the fact that it prevented him from aging. Two, he’s stronger and faster than a normal human being. He was twenty years old when the Vong attack on the galaxy began, and he found out about his above-normal capabilities when he fought his way through two Vong warriors to reach one of the few remaining space-capable ships left after the conquest of Coruscant. The ship was a TIE defender, a craft he has retained ever since. Afterwards he decided to become a mercenary to work for the Galactic Alliance. His usual jobs are bringing in dangerous criminals or scouting out enemy bases, though from time to time he has participated in battles, whether using his TIE in space, or his variety of guns on the ground.
---Military History: Mercenary
---Traumatic Experiences: Being on Coruscant when it was conquered. The usual experiences one gets from working as a mercenary.

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