Monday, November 23, 2009

Sumras Naju

Name: Sumras Naju
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown(Late 30's)
Species: Human
Homeworld: (Unknown)
Affiliation: No known Affiliation with any group. Is to believed to be a Jedi/Fallen Jedi at one time.
---Traits: Very Reclusive, examines others before befriending, disliking or passing judgement.
---Skin Color: White
---Hair Color: Salt and Pepper
---Beard Color: Salt and Pepper
---Eye Color: Bright Blue
---Clothing: Looks like a wanderer, wearing almost Jedi/Sith robes. Covered with Cloak of some kind.
---Other Attributes: Multiple light scars across face, 3 slashing across face in pattern from right corner of forehead to nose, crossing over one eye.
---Other Details: Can be very reclusive if cornered. Tends to keep to himself.
Weapons: Old Lightsaber, Looks as if found in dump heap. Blaster kept on right hip.
---Name: NA
---Hyperdrive Class:
---Sublight Speed:
---Max Cargo (kg):
---Interior Description:
---Other Details:
The Force
---Sensitivity: High
---Religion: Uknown
-----Crystal(s): Solari Crystal
-----Blade(s): One
-----Color(s): Bright Yellow
-----Handle Description(s): Simple yet sleek, metal housing, light bar energy on activation plate, engraved carvings down the hilt.
---Force Abilities: Alter Mind, Mind Manipulation, Levitation, Telekenisis.
---Force Weakness: Uknown
---Other Force Object(s): Carries Holocrons around with him.
---Personal History: Rumors hae lead to rumors of having been of high status in the Jedi order at one point in time, but was said to have fallen. Disapeared and never heard of by the order again. Wanders the Galaxy, know by Space Travellers as "Old Man"
---Military History: Uknown
---Traumatic Experiances: Uknown

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