Monday, November 23, 2009

Thomas Winston Smith

Name: Thomas Winston Smith
Nicknames: "Tom", "Eagle", "Hawk-Eye"
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Species: Human
Homeworld: Naboo
Affiliation: Jedi Outcasts
--- How: (IC: "Remnant stopped sending a paycheck, but there is still someone that needs to die. His name is Yun-Yuuzhan, and it's high time he caught a few bolts to the chest.")
Last Known Employer: Imperial Remnant
Last Known Occupation: Imperial Remnant Special Operations
Position: Marksman
Auxiliary: Medium-range assault, light medical training (non-certified)
Last Known Teammates: (See list below.)
--- General (simulated) Lance Thomas McCallister (CO, Heavy Assault) [Deceased]
--- High Colonel Dalston Tiberius Starscythe (XO, Automatic Rifleman) [KIA]
--- Lieutenant-Colonel James Peter Michaels (Vehicles, Explosives) [KIA]
--- Major Hal Louis Johnson (Communications, Slicer) [KIA]
--- Major Angela Abigail Anderson (Combat Medic, Light Assault) [KIA]
--- Major Jonathan Spartan (Heavy Assault, Automatic Rifleman) [KIA]
---Traits: Highly organized and ordered, much like anyone else subjected to the harsh rigors of Imperial discipline. Tends to (over-)act on the side of chivalry near a lady, even if nobody else is nearby, which could make him seem like a submissive. Due to his time in the Remnant, his voice permanently carries an Imperial accent, despite his efforts to make it fade away.
---Likes: Sniping, romancing the 'available' ladies (with particular emphasis on that part), and trying to have a good time. Unfortunately, many people who have met him assume that he is incapable of such, due in large part to the Imperial influence on his personality.
---Dislikes: Arrogant people, slovenly sods, and anyone who thinks they can succeed in their current task despite overwhelming proof and logic to the contrary (read: people who are stubborn to a dangerous fault)
---Habits: Cleans his rifle before and after combat, checking it over at least 3 times before deployment. Has a tendency to check it during briefings, much to the chagrin of his last CO.
---Skin Color: Caucasian
---Hair Color: Brown, graying
---Eye Color: Grey
---Clothing: Standard-issue black Imperial army duty uniform (non-dress issue), with Colonel rank tag (3 cylinders, 3 red squares, 3 blue squares), SpecOps departmental patch, and DeathKnights team patch.
---Other Attributes: Wears an eye-patch over his left eye (non-sniping eye) when on-duty, removing it only when required or not deployed.
Weapons: Xerol Nightstinger (Preferred weapon during Remnant service. {OOC Note: I'd only drop this one into the profile if it's allowed.}), slugthrower-styled energy sniper rifle (OOC: Visual is analogous to the US M-24 bolt-action sniper rifle. Due to obvious technological advancements over the standard-issue slugthrower, the bolt-action mechanism is omitted.)
The Force
---Sensitivity: N/A. The remainder of this section is omitted.
---Personal History: (Note from Imperial Remnant Military High Command: This information has been withheld by a personal request from the rights-holder, and may be revealed only through a request from a command hearing. {OOC: Or, in English... I don't have that much ready yet. =P})
---Military History: (OOC: Not terribly much ready here, either... Those among the High Command group reviewing this will probably remember that I kept referring to an incident when playing the persona of Major Soltaris... Something about a crisis near a Remnant outpost on Dantooine. The DeathKnights themselves had two survivors... Lance, and this sniper fellow here. That's about the only concrete stuff I have down for his past so far.)

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