Monday, November 23, 2009


Name: Lussk
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Species: Trandoshan
Homeworld: Trando (I think thats it)
Affiliation: Empire
---Traits: Snarls alot at people I like and growls at people i dislike
---Likes: Raw wookie,Other trandoshans
---Dislikes: Jedi, Wookie victory cry, fire due to childhood experiance
---Habits:Left eye twitches invoulentarily from melee wound to head
---Skin Color: greenish grey
---Hair Color: none
---Eye Color:orange
---Clothing: flight suit,civilian clothing
---Other Attributes: Accurate with blaster pistols not much with rifles or other
---Other Details: Very Muscular Has large crest on middle of head smaller two on sides Middle crest is bumped
Weapons: short snout long arms
---Name: Red Star
---Class: Starfighter
---Hyperdrive Class: class 1
---Weapon(s): Proton torpedoes medium laser cannons
---Shields: medium
---Sublight Speed: 65MGLT average sublight acceleration
---Crew: 1
---Passenger(s): 0
---Max Cargo (kg): none
---Interior Description:
---Other Details: Sleek very maneuverable Shaped like an arrow
The Force
---Sensitivity: strong
---Religion: Sith
-----Crystal(s): ??
-----Color(s): Red
-----Handle Description(s): One spike at bottom of hilt and has lots of black lining
---Force Abilities: push, choke, pull,mind trick, fear, jump
---Force Weakness: Lightning,mind trick
---Other Force Object(s): ??
---Personal History: Born on Trando. Grew up hunting wookies for their pelts and gained much honor with a total of 26 pelts all changed when the village was burned down nd ended up working as a Merc for the Empire and the Imperial Remnant
---Military History: Been in the bounty hunters guild has attempted to join the Imperial navy but turned down for being non-human but was hired as a mercenary many times for the Empire
---Traumatic Experiances: In heated Melee battle I reveived severe bash to the left side of my head and my village was burned down from "unknown forces" watched family and friends burn

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