Gender: Female
Age: 24
Species: Twi’lek
Homeworld: Ryloth
Height: 1.8 meters (6 feet)
Weight: 65 kilograms (145 lbs)
Eye Color: Green (bordering on Turquoise)
Skin Color: Pink Hue with irregular purple markings
Affiliation: None currently
Personality: Friendly and curious.
Weapons: Knife
Starship: “Mischa’s Bolt” CloakShape Fighter, modified with a hyperdrive sled and equipped with a pair of laser cannons and two concussion missile launchers, painted red with orange lightning bolts adorning the sides
Force Sensitivity: None
Biography: Talitha was born into a clan near the “place of twilight”. At a young age she was taken captive by a distant clan and sold into the slave market. There she was taught the ways of exotic and captivating dance. She has been passed from master to master as a Twi’lek dancer fetches wonderful prices from those willing to pay for it. Her most recent owner was Mischa Rolt, a man who took what he wanted when he wanted it. She happened to be what he wanted, and fearing for her life she broke into the hangar where his ships were kept and stole “Mischa’s Bolt”.
Military History: None

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