Gender: Female
Age: 27
Species: Human
Homeworld: Ord Mantell
Affiliation: N/A
---Traits: She is very precise and goes above and beyond the call of duty to please her superiors. Despite her kind and peaceful nature towards comrades, she can also be quite stoic and appears very serious and cold to strangers. This trait allows her to hold her own in a fight, but also causes her to be misunderstood on several occasions.
---Likes: Flying (ships and speeders), science and discovering how things work, animals and nature
---Dislikes: War and the need for beings to kill each other for no reason, cowards and lies
---Habits: Flipping through her datapad and reading random information when she's bored or nervous about something, and gesturing with her hands when she talks

---Clothing: Simple tan coveralls with cargo pockets and ankle-high brown boots; she wears a utility belt and a holster slung over her right hip
---Other Attributes: A small tattoo adorns her right wrist, a little reminder of her past and her home
Weapons: A small blaster pistol and a vibroblade hidden within her boot; she also carried several small parts and other equipment(datapad, comlink, droid caller) in her utility belt
---Name: N/A
---Class: N/A
---Hyperdrive Class: N/A
---Weapon(s): N/A
---Shields: N/A
---Sublight Speed: N/A
---Crew: N/A
---Passenger(s): N/A
---Max Cargo (kg): N/A
---Interior Description: N/A
---Other Details: N/A
The Force
---Sensitivity: Yes (partially trained)
---Religion: She believes in a higher being that controls the galaxy, but she doesn't know or understand what that is
-----Crystal(s): N/A
-----Blade(s): N/A
-----Color(s): N/A
-----Handle Description(s): N/A
---Force Abilities: N/A
---Force Weakness: N/A
---Other Force Object(s): N/A
---Personal History: Growing up on the dusty and desolate lands of Ord Mantell proved to be a sour start to life. Greth was an only child living with a single mother in the slums of Worlport. The nearby junkyards were a frequent nuisance and the planet's tendency to attract mercenaries and smugglers made homelife difficult and dangerous. Her mother, working a cocktail waitress at a local cantina, was also fairly poor and found it quite difficult to support Greth and any education she was to have. As a result, Greth spent most of her childhood being observant of her surroundings and teaching herself what she could through datapads and other historical documents.
When it was discovered that Greth possessed a special gift, she was quickly whisked away from her poor living arrangements on Mantell and thrust into the hustle and bustle of Coruscant, where she was to train as a Jedi. But the further she got into her training, the more she found herself disagreeing with the morals and doctrine in which the Jedi were supposed to uphold. After a year, she left the Order to pursue her own desires and ended up with the military.
Intel was her calling and she found herself working in the field when the Yuuzhan Vong invasion started. She was personally assigned to observe the Vong from a distance and try to understand their culture. What she uncovered was death and destruction and fearing for her life, she fled once more into isolation. It wasn't until the end of the war that she resurfaced back on Ord Mantell to find work and tend to her aging mother.
---Military History: She worked as an Intel operative for the first half of the Vong invasion until the fall of Coruscant. With the enemy appearing to have a clear victory, she fled the Alliance and went into hiding.
---Traumatic Experiences: During the war, Greth witnessed several acts of mutilation and human sacrifice while working as an undercover agent. It rattled her so much, that she became fearful of her own life and abandoned her work for the Alliance. Despite her fear, she is determined to carry out revenge on the Vong for how they treated the beings of the galaxy.
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