Monday, November 23, 2009

Alex Pratt

Name: Alex Pratt
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Homeplanet: Coruscant
Job: Tactical Officer
Rank: Flight Officer

Former Job: Jedi Knight

Personal Weapons:
-Lightsaber (Blue)
-BlasTech DL-56 Blaster Pistol


Alex Pratt was one of the many Jedi disillusioned in the ongoin war against the Yuuzhan Vong. Showing sensitivity to the Force, he was taken from his comfortable home on Coruscant and enrolled in Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy.

Although he excelled at his training, his real interest was in ships and the navy. He was always watching old holovids about the glory days in the Imperial Navy or watching the latest holonet coverage of the Republican Navy.

He officially became a Knight right before the war with the Vong. Many of his peers would die in that war, which Pratt thought was easily winnable if the Order would merely fight and not take a passive attitude.

Although he never officially aligned himself with Kyp Durron's militant operations, he always secretly supported the man and hoped he would replace Luke Skywalker as the head of the New Jedi Order.

Despite being told to remain as neutral as possible, Pratt found himself wanting to fight for the New Republic and eliminate the galactic threat posed by the Vong. People were dying by the millions and yet Skywalker still refused to see reason.

Finally, after much thought, Pratt decided to leave the kow-towing to Skywalker and go fight the Vong meance on his own, to which he was ill-prepared. In his first real battle against a Vong warrior, Pratt was injured and forced to run away from the battlefield, only increasing his anger and disgust at the entire war and the brutal Vong in particular.

He returned to the Jedi Order in disgrace and was very lucky his anger didn't overcome him and that the Order didn't expel him outright. Pratt continued his training, but always harbored some feelings of resentment towards Skywalker, but he hid them very well.

Then, through rumors and that old intergalactic grapevine, Pratt's wish was answered. He learned a group of so-called Outcasts bent on fighting the Yuuzhan Vong and protecting the galaxy, but then Pratt realized he had failed in his one true battle, how could he join a group of seasoned warriors?

Then it came to him, he would continue to train, but until he reached that strength, he would put his knowledge, almost an obsession, of navies and ships to good use. He knew tactics and he understood the importance of naval ops...

He might just make a good Fleet Ops man, although he would always yearn for true

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