Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Human
Homeworld: Dantooine
Affiliation: (formerly) New Republic Navy
---Traits: Aloof and insensitive at first glance, but soft and caring beneath the surface. An interesting trait of his, is that while he dislikes people who pretend to be something they're not, he ends up hiding himself from people for fear of loss.
---Likes: Real people who aren't afraid to speak their mind.
---Dislikes: Those who put on a false front, and the sound plasteel makes when you rub it against another peice of plasteel
---Habits: Is a nail biter
---Skin Color: Caucasian
---Hair Color: Brown
---Eye Color: Green
---Clothing: A white shirt, covered by an open brown flight jacket, black pants, and brown boots. Around his neck he wears a necklace bearing the insignia of his family, as well as black gloves.
---Other Attributes: Is of average height, at 5 feet, 10 inches tall.
---Other Details: Is of medium build, moderately muscular, very cut.
Weapons: Blastech DL44 heavy blaster pistol, modified to have slightly longer barrel, tweaked to expend slightly more energy, resulting a more powerful bolt, and outfitted with scope.

---Name: The Ragnarok (modified YT-2400 Corellian Transport)
---Class: Light freighter
---Hyperdrive Class: (not savvy enough on starships to answer)
---Weapon(s): Laser cannon (remote turret mounted), concussion missiles.
---Shields: Average unmodified shields
---Sublight Speed: *gestures to above answer to hyperdrive question*
---Crew: Varies from mission to mission
---Passenger(s): 6 (maximum)
---Max Cargo (kg): 100 metric tons
---Interior Description: Standard YT-2400 interior, nothing extravagant
---Other Details: Has many battle scars from past adventures.
The Force
---Sensitivity: Slight
---Religion: none
-----Crystal(s): n/a
-----Blade(s): n/a
-----Color(s): n/a
-----Handle Description(s): n/a
---Force Abilities: n/a
---Force Weakness: n/a
---Other Force Object(s): n/a
---Personal History: Griffin was born on Dantooine, to the Lars family. His father, Jarden Lars, was a slave to the rich Sandral family which had resided on the planet for milennia. Due to his job, Jarden was allowed to live with his wife and son in a small apartment on the east wing of the Sandral estate. He grew up around the Sandrals, and considered them his family, for the most part. At a young age he befriended Natalya Sandral, who was around the same age. The two quickly became inseparable, spending most of their time together. At the age of 18, he developed a romantic relationship with her, unbeknownst to her parents. As time went by, the two grew ever closer, but their dreams were dashed when Griffin was called away to the Republic Navy, during the Vong wars.
After the war, he returned home to Dantooine, hoping that his love still waited for him. To his unpleasant surprise, she had been forced into an arranged marriage by her parents, and had eventually forgotten Griffin while he was away at war.
A broken man, he used the funds he recieved from his service in the navy to purchase a YT-2400 freighter, giving what little was left of his funds to his parents, allowing them to retire.
Sinking into depression, he turned back to military duty, to forget his woes. Considering returning to the republic, he instead settled on mercenary duty.
---Military History: When the Vong invaded, Griffin was obligated to join the Republic Navy, serving through the entire five year war as a pilot. Following the Vong's defeat, Griffin was a changed man, severely traumatized by the horrors of the conflict. Although he emerged a decorated pilot of the republic, he retired from duty to return home to Dantooine.
---Traumatic Experiances: Yuuzhan Vong war, loss of his first love.
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