Monday, November 23, 2009

Erica Starflyer

Name: Erica Starflyer
Age: 25
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Affiliation: Jedi
Traits- Sly, friendly, brooding, great secret keeper, fiercly loyal.
Likes- Lightsaber Training and combat, Jedi, animals, the Force.
Dislikes- The Dark side, enemies, traitors.
Skin Color- Dark Tan
Hair Color- Raven
Eye Color- Dark Brown
Clothing- Typical Jedi Robes
Other attributes- Hair always in long ponytail
Other details- Burn scar over right eye (basically like Anakin's)
Weapons: Lightsaber
Starship: None
(Don't have one, until placed with squadron)
The Force:
Sensitivity- Master
Religion- Jedi
Crystal- Emerald
Blade- one (average length)
Color- Green
Handle Description- Standard issue, black and silver. Name engraved on side.
Force Abilities- Able to move things with ease and detect Dark side
Force Weaknesses- Can only detect Dark side with in 2 mile range
Other Force objects- Can pick up lightsaber using Force ^^
Personal History- Began Training at age 10. Born on Coruscant and lived there until age 15. Then began gathering a rebel guerilla strike force to act against Dark side. The Strike force was eventually cut down one by one. She and her cousin were the only ones left. When she was 20, her cousin, part of the strike force, joined the Dark Side, then commited suicide, realizing what he had done. After that, she wandered the galaxy, hitchhiking rides around, only stopping for food and rest until coming upon the place where all these other fighters reside.
Military History- Former Lt. Colonel of rebel guerilla strike force.
Traumatic experiences- none

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