Monday, November 23, 2009

Bastion Joglast

Name: Bastion Joglast
Gender: male
Age: 20
Species: Ewok
Homeworld: Moon of Endor
Affiliation: Himself and his ship
---Traits: Witty, Guarded, Loyal to the end Quiet,sharp, focused and highly disciplined
---Likes: Credits, Chewing Venra root, flying and taking care of his ship
---Dislikes: Slavers, Hutts and injustice
---Habits: chews his finger nails when thinking, always alert
---Skin Color: N/A
---Hair Color: Black with a white strip across right eye.
---Eye Color: Ice blue.
---Clothing: Black tatical combat suit with black combat boots
---Other Attributes: enhanced sense of smell from chewing Venra root.
---Other Details:
Weapons: Hatchet with self-sharpining sheaf,2x hold out blasters,hunting blaster, a hunting bow with different types of arrow heads and stun cuffs

---Name: Endors Wrath
---Type/Class: Modefied z-95 headhunter
---Interior Description:1 seater cockpit with low light illuminations
---Other Details: Modified with hyperdrive capabilities and room for equipment storage and a led down captive.Painted Black and all reconiseable markings removed so as not to be easily tracked and for added stealth.
---Starship Armament:
Heavy Lasers:
Proton-Torpedo Launchers:
The Force
---Religion: Jedi
---Lightsaber Description(s):
---Force Abilities:
---Force Weakness:
---Personal History
When he was very young he was taken from his family and native planet of Endor by slavers working for a hutt on Nar Shaddaa. Upon landing he was fitted with a coller that would translate his native dialect into basic and put to work in the crimelords residence as a servent.After years of beatings and abuse he decided to escape. Early the next morning he woke up and made his way to an enterence of the ventilation duct and climbed in. After climbing and crawling for what seemed like an age he finally emerged from his escape route to find himself at the space docks.He eventualy found an out bound ship it was a Corellian YT- 2000 called the second chance where he got comfortable and drifted into a deep sleep.
When he finaly awoke he found that the ship had landed on the remote planet of Tattooine,He went and found some work at the local Bounty Hunters guild.Five years later he had earned enough credits to buy himself a ship.Once all of the lose ends were tied up he left Tattooine to explore the galaxy.
---Military History: None to date Other than his bounty hunter training.
---Traumatic Experiences:Being taken from his family and homeworld and being beaten for many years.

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