Name: Ewan Jinn
Gender: M
Age: 16
Species: Human
Homeworld: Nabbo
Affiliation: ???
Personality Kind hearted cares for friends and won't leave anyone behind.
---Traits: Good at helping others flying a fighter and fixing things
---Likes: Fun, kicking ass, learning going places and doing things.Going places helping others traing other force useers
---Dislikes: Mean people the darkside and people who thing there all that and people whp thing there better then me.
---Habits: Not knowing when to stay out of stuff.
Appearance Tall and has bilt body
---Skin Color: light tan skin
---Hair Color: Brown
---Eye Color: Hazal
---Clothing: Obi-wan Kenobi robes
---Other Attributes: Jedi can use the force rally well and a master healer.
---Other Details: Eyes change colors
Weapons: Lightsaber blaster can you any kinf of blaster
Starship Jedistart fighter
---Hyperdrive Class:
---Sublight Speed:
---Max Cargo (kg):
---Interior Description:
---Other Details:
The Force
---Sensitivity: Really high
---Religion: Jedi I guss i'm not big on it.
---Lightsaber {[[[[[[>>>>>(O)>>>>[ #################################}
-----Crystal(s): blue
-----Blade(s): see for youself
-----Color(s): the color can change
-----Handle Description(s): Like Obi-Wan's saber.
---Force Abilities: Everyting but dark powers
---Force Weakness: Wisdom and foucs
---Other Force Object(s):
Biography Found by the Jedi loved it but saw flws they didn't want to see.
---Personal History: A lonly soul that has friends and gose all over space now.
---Military History: I'm with the black brids fleet and i'm a high ranked pielot.
---Traumatic Experiances:
Bad times with the Jedi and seeing what the Jedi don't want to see.
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