Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Aran Crypt

Name: Doctor Aran Crypt
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Affiliation: New Republic
---Traits: Hyperactive, talks bluntly
---Likes: Ideas that work, room for his work
---Dislikes: Missing sleep, people in the way, dishonesty; any caffeinated drink
---Habits: Studies incessantly when not working (even during conversations sometimes), reads random words out loud when studying; eats almost twice as much as is normal for most humans
---Skin Color: Light
---Hair Color: Brown
---Eye Color: Brown
---Clothing: black boots, trousers, and a white short sleeves shirt; he likes wearing a dark red trench coat when off-duty
---Other Attributes: Height: 5’ 6”; a little overweight, though not as much as would be suggested by his appetite, hair is pretty ragged short as he cuts it himself
---Other Details:
Weapons: N/A
Starship N/A
The Force
---Sensitivity: Little
---Religion: Undecided
---Lightsaber N/A
---Force Training: Little
---Force Abilities: basic telekinetic
---Force Weakness: all other areas
---Other Force Object(s): N/A
---Personal History: Recognized at a young age as a prodigy in the medical sciences, he earned his doctorate at 18. He opted out of Republic research and instead got a medical position on board a ship. He was on board long enough to go through a few battles before he disappeared while on leave and wasn’t seen by officials again. To be noted, between the time he graduated and the time he disappeared, there were multiple attempts by unidentified individuals to either ‘move him to a mental facility’ or plain kidnap him.
---Military History: Was a medical officer on board an active Republic warship for a year or two. No military training.
---Traumatic Experiences: Watched his whole medical team die once. Also suffered from multiple kidnapping attempts.

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