Character Name: Jason Bravo
Type of Character: Jedi Knight
Character Status: Player-Controlled
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Eye/Hair Color: Blue-gray/Brown
Height/Weight: 5'11/180 Pounds
Home Planet: Corellia
Physical Description: Jason Bravo has a strong and athletic built. His strength is most seeable in his upper body with a strong, well-defined chest, strong and broad shoulders, and strong, well-defined arms and abs. Jason has blue-gray eyes and his brown hair is cut in a fade-style hair-cut.
Jason Bravo wears sand-brown colored Jedi Robes; Tan colored pants with dark brown knee high boots. The tabards is a tan color, as the long-sleeved tunic is a sand color, the under-tunic being a lighter sand-color. The obi or slash is dark bown in color, the Jedi cloak being a dark brown as well.
General Skills: Basic repair/maintence knowledge of starfighters and land speeders, diplomacy skills, and martial arts
Unique Skills: Swordsman/Lightsaber skills, piloting a starfighter, Emergency Medical Technician-Basic
Force Power: Level 17
Force Power Descriptions: Is very strong in Force Push, Force Throw, Jedi Mind Trick, and Jedi Shielding.
Primary Focus/Education: Combat Specialist and Basic Life Support
Note: Jedi Knight Jason Bravo is a master swordsman, considered the best lightsaber duelist in the Jedi Order. Jason has mastered Form V: Shien / Djem So with a emphasis on Form III: Soresu . In combat, Jason favors Form III: Soresu and Form V: Shien / Djem So, able to masterfully and effortlessly switch between the two forms while in combat.
Secondary Focus/Education: Galactic History
Primary Weapon: Lightsaber (Green blade, looks like Mace Windu's lightsaber in a silver color)
Secondary Weapons: Whatever weapon he can find or his own martial arts skills
Personality: Jason Bravo is a very friendly person. Likes to talk, laugh, and get into debates and discussion of theories. Is always interested with the "what if" possibilities, galactic history, and loves to discusss mysteries, myths, legends, and tales. Jason is always ready and willing for a card game or a discussion over a cup of coffee or hot tea. Jason also loves to read books.
History: Jason Bravo was born on Corellia to middle-classs parents. He was discovered by Jedi Master Yoda and Jedi Master Mace Windu as the pair of Jedi Masters were on a diplomatic mission to the Corellian government. His parents were dead, killed by out-laws just days before and Jason was homeless on the streets. During one of their events to the public, with a parade going, Jedi Master Yoda and Jedi Master Mace Windu found Jason sitting on a nearby ledge in his dirty and torn clothes. Both Jedi Masters felt a strong Force pressence with-in Jason and took him to Coruscant to be raised by the Jedi Order. A variety of members among the Jedi Order took care of Jason, chief among them being Jedi Master Yoda, who always felt a "special gift" with-in Jason.
As a Padawan, Jason was trained by Jedi Master Mace Windu. At age twenty-one, Jason was knighted a Jedi Knight, Mace was very proud that his Padawan had become a Jedi Knight.
Jason showed, at an early age at the Jedi Temple, to have a knack for being very adventurous, taking control of a event that needed controling from his point of view, and bending the rules to fit his own goals. Jason shows this knack of bending the rules by bending the orders from the Jedi Council to achieve his own goals. Jason is very aware of the future, always making plans for what could happen, however, he is even more aware of the "here and now" of the living Force.
Despite Jason's history of disobeying the Council's orders from time to time and his knack for getting in over the top of his head and making a wild adventure of it, Jedi Knight Jason Bravo is one of the most respected and trusted Jedi Knights in the Jedi Order and is often called upon for the most serious of matters. The Jedi Knight is also called upon to instruct lightsaber combat when a instructor is not present or can not attend for some reason. Due to his mastery of lightsaber forms and combat, Jason is often asked by many of the Jedi Padawans, Jedi Knights, and even some of the Jedi Masters to help them get better and even master one of the forms of combat. Jason also backs his lightsaber combat ability with a basic life support skills, which gives the Jedi Knight a basic background in the Medical Field.
Jason served during the Clone Wars and was on the front-lines much of the war. From starfighter combat to leading Clone Troopers into battle. Jason was at the Jedi Temple when Darth Vader attakced with the 501st. Espacing the attack with a handful of Jedi students, Jedi Padawans, and Jedi Knights, Jason managed to get the Jedi group into the escape tunnels under the Jedi Temple, but many of the students, Padawans, and Jedi Knights fell to the 501st's blaster bolts. With few Jedi remaining with him, Jason managed to escape the Clone Troopers that had followed them and ened up in a safe room under the Jedi Temple. Contacted by Jedi Master Yoda, Jason was instructed to put the remaining Jedi group with him in suspended animation. Undiscovered by the Clone Troopers or later by the Galactic Empire, the handful of Jedi students, Jedi Padawans, and Jedi Knights lay in suspended animation, waiting to be discovered.
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