Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sia Kalayn

Name: Sia Kalayn
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Species: Human
Affiliation: self
---Traits: Confident, reserved, respectful, patient and calm
---Likes: Organization, clear objectives
---Dislikes: Criminals, questions concerning her past
---Habits: Singing to herself, reading history, meditating and sparring
---Skin Color: Light
---Hair Color: Black
---Eye Color: Black
---Clothing: Long-sleeved shirt, knee-length skirt, leggings, and boots, all white
---Other Attributes: height: 5’ 9”; weight, average
---Other Details: Hair comes down to middle back and is kept braided
Weapons: Hold-out pistol, blaster rifle.
---Name: Nenima
---Class: CLASSIFIED; fighter equivalent to advanced A-wing craft
---Crew: 1
---Passenger(s): 1
---Other Details: craft is black with green highlights (I’m not including much description of it yet so that I don’t limit the craft; right now I’m just thinking of it as just a bit better than an A-wing in most areas)
The Force
---Sensitivity: Moderate
---Religion: Light Side
---Lightsaber N/A
---Force Training: Some
---Force Abilities: sensitivity to danger, reflexes, light Force persuasion
---Force Weakness: telekinesis
---Other Force Object(s): Ring set with a small, yellow stone.
---Personal History: CLASSIFIED
---Military History: CLASSIFIED but a trained pilot
---Traumatic Experiences: CLASSIFIED

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