Gender: Male
Age: 34
Species: Besalisk
Homeworld: Ojom
Affiliation: Jedi Outcasts
---Traits: Very friendly. Likes to chat your ears off if he gets the chance. Also is rather proud of his work, and likes to brag about his skill to fix and modify whenever a craft that he has worked on does something important.
---Likes: Oil, hydrospanners, conversation, starships
---Dislikes: Cafeteria food (the Meatloaf Surprise is a definite on his ‘Hit List’), dull people, egotistical people (even more proud of themselves than he is), astromech droids (they’re always getting beat up one way or another, and he has to fix them).
---Habits: Tends to clean his tools every five minutes, even if they’re not dirty. He likes for his tools to look clean and professional, even if his clothes are not. Also, he pushes the meat and vegetables on food trays to opposite sides of the plate and experiments with dunking random vegetables into the meat and then eating the lumped food.

---Skin Color: Brown
---Hair Color: None
---Eye Color: Green
---Clothing: A dark green tech jumpsuit that is covered with oil and grease stains from tech work. He sometimes wears a blue baseball cap-like hat.
---Other Attributes: About 1.9 meters tall, Tex is a little larger than the average Besalisk. He weighs about 220 pounds, and has a slight belly due to his lack of exercise. However, he’ll try to do something about that soon; maybe when there’s a treadmill installed in the base, he’ll go and work out on it to stay in shape.
---Other Details: A small scar on the top right arm that stemmed from a run-in with an angry astromech droid that had been partially slagged during a space skirmish. It had grabbed his tool and made a cut with it as he flailed to get it back from the droid’s robotic arm. He also has mostly-healed burns on his arms from an explosion caused by some of his technological work earlier in his career as a tech.
Weapons: DC-17 blaster rifle and his box of tools. Tex is not much of a fighter, but he still carries around a rifle in his toolbox just in case something goes wrong. If his blaster disappears, he’s always handy with a tool, so enemies must look out for flying tool projectiles.
Starship: None
---Name: -
---Hyperdrive Class: -
---Weapon(s): -
---Shields: -
---Sublight Speed: -
---Crew: -
---Passenger(s): -
---Max Cargo (kg): -
---Interior Description: -
---Other Details: -
The Force
---Sensitivity: None
---Religion: None
---Lightsaber – (Maybe in his dreams)
-----Crystal(s): -
-----Blade(s): -
-----Color(s): -
-----Handle Description(s): -
---Force Abilities: -
---Force Weakness: -
---Other Force Object(s): -
---Personal History: Tex Dillett was born on Ojom, as most of his fellow Besalisk are. He was always interested in fixing objects, and in his spare time decided to try and learn some skills in the repair business. Due to the nature of his species, there weren’t many opportunities for Tex to make a living as a mechanic, so he decided that he would have to get off-planet at some point and make his way to a planet which would appreciate his talent and maybe have a job for him. In the mean time, Tex continued to work on small projects, starting with small mouse droids and working his way up to larger objects, such as power droids and small recon droids that were missing the recon portions of their operating matrix. Once in a great while, Tex found himself a job working on a neighbor’s speeder. Although those were the most fun for Tex, as he could take various parts of the speeder apart and examine them before putting them back together with a few ‘slight’ modifications, these opportunities were very rare, and most of the time Tex felt a little lonely because he was stuck working on measly droids while there were others in the galaxy who got the chance to fix ships and speeders. Thus, his goal to get off-planet became even more intense. He could hardly get to bed some nights because he was thinking so hard about this goal, and he spent many hours contemplating what other worlds would look like.
As he grew in age, Tex joined a small bounty hunter force that allowed for him to get out of his neighborhood and go to new places. Although this gig only lasted a few months, it gave Tex some much-needed cash that he would turn around to use for passage to another planet . . . if only there was a ship that would take him somewhere. Gathering up his belongings and saying farewell to his family, Tex hitched out on a long walk to the only space terminal in the region. There, he asked three different star pilots if they could get him off Ojom; all three responded that they were carrying cargo only and had no room for passengers. Dismayed, Tex sat in the terminal for the next two days, waiting and hoping for a passenger ship to arrive. Just when he was going to leave and trudge home, such a ship arrived, under the direction of Jon Raish. Tex jumped at the chance that Raish offered, and soon found himself blasting off of his icy home planet.
As the days went by, Tex found an interest in asking Raish how his ship was put together. His main interest was the hyperdrive; he was curious how the thing worked, and exactly what it did to get you from one far-off place to another in only a few days. Raish answered Tex’s questions, and started to gain a liking for the curious teenager. However, soon after, Raish’s ship was attacked by a pirate fleet, and Raish called for Tex to man the turret gun and fend off the pirates while he got the ship out of the area. Tex, although he had never shot a turret gun before, manned the station and crippled one enemy ship before Raish got his craft into the safety of hyperspace. Relieved and a bit flustered by the difficulty of the turret handling, Tex decided that he would need to learn how to use a weapon effectively just in case something like that arose.
Landing on a new planet for the first time, Tex got out and breathed in the fresh air that came from a different planet than his own. He thanked Raish immensely for the ride, and started off into town to try and find a job. It took several days to get a shop owner to watch his talents; they were far too concerned with his age, thinking that he was incapable. Finally, he landed a job with a small-time company that made its money by salvaging scrap parts and soldering them into useable droids and other small objects. This job allowed for Tex to gain valuable experience in both repair and manufacturing, and gave him a rudimentary course on how to use sophisticated tools. As the months passed by, Tex’s skills grew, and he finally left the company to look for a better-paying job. Quickly landing one, Tex’s skills began to speak for themselves. The clientele for this company brought in small scooters and speeders, which Tex spent hours and hours working on, continuing to tinker with the parts after closing time.
Years passed, and Tex bounced around from mechanic job to repair job and back again, taking him to two other planets in the process. His skills greatly improved, he finally heard a piece of news about a certain Jedi Outcasts group hiring. It intrigued him, not knowing exactly what the group did but still fascinated with a new opportunity. Ready to give up a good-paying job, Tex applied to the group. It took a while for them to get back to him, but he was finally accepted into the group. He has worked as a hangar technician for the past 3 years.
---Military History: Not much. The bounty hunter group he was a part of as a teen went out and shot large rats that frequented that region of the planet, and occasionally found something else to bring in a bit of money. However, the group was not sophisticated enough to really give him any military experience.
The rest of his military experience was the time with the turret gun on the ship to a new planet, and some training with a blaster once a member of the Outcasts. However, Tex has never been a soldier; he’s far more interested in using tools than perfecting the ability to shoot ranged weapons or wield melee weapons. He has rudimentary training in how to shoot a blaster so that he can defend himself.
---Traumatic Experiences: One time, he rigged an astromech droid with a new motivator and let it go free to test it out. However, the motivator blew out instantly, shooting sparks and debris towards Tex and a fellow tech. Tex was burned in a few places after the accident, and then swore to himself that he would be more careful in the future.
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