Saturday, October 31, 2009


Name: Dace
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Species: Human
Homeworld/Province: Coruscant
Affiliation: Dark Jedi Knight
Division: Ground Force
---Traits: eager, reclusive, little weird, brave, loyal
---Likes: sparring, pod racing, family
---Dislikes: being bothered, rude people, war
---Habits: rebellious, never changes hair styles, careless at times,neat freak,sarcastic weird humor
---Skin Color: White
---Hair Color: Black
---Eye Color: Black
---Clothing: black shirt with dark green cargo pants and black boots, Black and Dark Gray Dark Jedi Robes, Green flight suit.
---Other Attributes/Details: 6’3,Lean build, has a scar near his left temple
Weapons: Silver lightsaber, heavy blaster, detonators, Vibroblade
Force: basic, force choke, force lightning ,force shield, force stun, affect mind, empathy, levitation, force destruction, cryokinesis, force scream, rage, and concentration.
---Personal History: Born in Coruscant in low class caste. Both his parents Jon and Valia owned a small store near where Dex diner was, making enough just to get by. Growing up with his younger sister Ariel (three years younger than him) and brother Jarre (two years younger than him) he worked at his parents store after school. His Mother always told him to never quit or give up ,for that he looked up to her. Everything was fine till that day,at the age of 16,his Parents were killed in a store Robbery. His Mother refused to give the masked man all the credits they had, Dad tried to fight him unarmed and lost. After their death Dace tried to keep himself together ,him being the oldest he had to take care of his younger siblings. Upset that all this responsibility was thrown at him, for last resort he joined the Dark Jedi, promise of exploring the galaxy and credits to help take care of his younger siblings. After training in the academy he was promoted and took the job as one of the Dark Knights in the order. He sent credits back home every time he got paid leaving little for himself. By the Age of 19 he was lead of the Dark Knights Squad and fought endless battles on ground, one gave him a 6 inch long scar near his left temple. Betrayal and lies scattered the Dark Jedi Order leaving him Jobless. Not having seen Jarre and Ariel in four years, he went to go visit them. Upon reaching there he heard they were murdered because of his ties with the Dark Jedi, thinking they were dead he drove further to the Dark side than he already was. A year later he heard they were still alive in a different part of the galaxy. He joined the Outcasts in hopes of finding them.
---Military History:

Dark Jedi Knight military force:
Cadet ,age 16
Sergeant ,age 17
Captain ,age 19-till the Order Scattered

The Outcasts:
Flight Officer, Age 21

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