Russton Xelcron
Name: Russton Xelcron
Nickname: Russ or Xel
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Species: Devaronian
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
Affiliation: Whom ever is paying his bills.
Weapons: Mandalorian Blaster
---Personal History: Russ was born on Nar Shaddaa and learned how to Hack the low level security systems at a young age. Once he learned how to bypass the systems he became a good thief. He'd steal something worth alot of money and then end up selling it to someone who wanted it. It made for a great way to be noticed by the Underworld. Soon he started tinkering with rewriting system commands and reprogrammed old computer terminals that he found in the lower levels of the city that weren't being used for anything.
As he grew older he started to gain a reputation and was taken under the wing of a smuggler who took him off of Nar Shaddaa. The smuggler was someone named Jack Larks. Not his real name, but it worked. Russ learned how to repair ships while on board Jacks ship and slowly began to tinker with the systems of a ship as well as the engines and other technical know hows needed to be a mechanic for a ship.
It was only a matter of time before droids became the new obsession and he started reprogramming the droids on the ship too. Jack, later had a run in with the New Republic and was arrested for criminal affiliations and smuggling narcotics to a penal colony.
Russ was also arrested and he thought that was the end of him, until someone figured out he was a pretty good slicer/tech/programmer. He was given a light sentence due to having not known anything aobut the smuggling narcotics and was placed on probation. All Authorities were notified so no matter where he went, whether it be IR or GA he would have to behave lest he violate his pobation and be given a harsher sentence. He was given an honest living by a man who ran a docking station on an old Defense Platform.
His honest living didn't last more than a few months, before he ended up in a brawl after winning a Mandalorian Blaster in a card game. Drunk and angry, the loser attacked Russ and then Russ killed him.
He was arrested soon afterward and then placed in a cell awaiting trial.
Now, at the age of 19 he'd been arrested twice in as many months. The trial rapidly approached and his devilish appearance worked against him. He was sentenced to one year aboard Traest Kre'Feys ship. A light sentence some would say, had they never met Traest Kre'Fey. Traest was a hardliner from the military and followed his own rules as well as he did military rules. He rana tight ship and allowed nothing to be let by him, and no deed was gotten away with that had ill intentions of ill conceived consequences. Once of traest's ship, you were as good as a prisoner if you broke a rule.
Many wondered how such was able to take place whilst a war raged on. Russ even wondered too. It turns out it was for the better. He learned some discipline and gained more knowledge aboutt he things he loved, having aces to GA technologies and their manuals. He made many copies of the Tech manuals and accumulated from the other Techs a set of tools to call his own. They could see Russ was an eager learner, and was quick to learn what they taught him.
Once the war was signaledto be over Russ was allowed to leave. Russ, finding himself on Coruscant, found an old K-wing buried in the wreckage and began to strip it for parts, deciding to test his abilities and earn some credits. He was successful enough that he got most of the things tested and found they worked. So he began stripping the good parts out. but he needed crates to put them in, so he started doing odd jobs for the Galactic Alliance guys rebuilding Coruscant. Considering he didn't have any money and was little to know good at all being a jack of all trades a master of none, he did well.
Trading labor for crates, he found he enjoyed the odd jobs, but wanted to do more than just get what he needed. He heard the Jedi Outcasts were on Coruscant, and many claimed they were the real Heroes of the Yuuzahn Vong war. So he has begun to search for a way to join them.
Equipment carried: Russ has a Green Tool kit he carries that has tools used for work on ships/computer systems/droids and allows for repairs, upgrades and other tasks that he seems proficient in.
Green Tool Kit contents: Hand Held Beam Drill, Circuit Scanner, Decoder, Screw and Bolt Drivers, Plasma Torch, Prybar, Static Control Band, Pliers, Hammer Set, Screw Gun, Screw Gun Bits, Flash Drive, Hydro Spanner, Technical Manuals on Datadisks, Utility Knife.
System Check Unit. {see picture above}