Friday, March 5, 2010
Hanasuke Yukimori
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Species: Ho'Din
Homeworld: Moltok
Affiliation: Freelance
---Traits: Very religious, often prays for long periods and fasts from time to time, softspoken, skilled healer when it comes to botany and herbs
---Likes: Prayer, meditation, contemplation, nature in all forms
---Dislikes: Droids and most forms of technology that seem to be "excessive"
---Habits: Isolates himself frequently to pray or often admires flora on whatever world he is on without regard to the current objective
---Skin Color: Deep indigo
---Hair Color: Red snake-like tendrils drawn back into a ponytail
---Eye Color: Onyx black
---Clothing: white shitagi, black kosode, black hakama, white hakama-himo, white tabi, wooden geta, white haori with an earthen clay-colored underside
---Other Attributes: Two hearts, suction-cup fingers, cold-blooded
Weapons: A wooden handle of a scythe which lacks a blade. However the blade protrudes much like that of a lightsaber
The Force
---Sensitivity: Moderately high
---Religion: Dinante Fli'R, formerly a member of an underground Sith cult
-----Crystal(s): N/A
-----Blade(s): Single scythe blade
-----Color(s): Yellow-orange with a red core
-----Handle Description(s): A rather odd wooden shaft in the shape of a farmers scythe handle
---Force Abilities: Plant surge, force drain, revitalize
---Force Weakness: Unknown
---Personal History: Once a proud son of Master Gardener Yuritaro, Hanasuke was taken from his homeworld during his early years during a raid by Makurth initiates of a sweeping Sith movement. As the cruisers passed overhead, the Makurth stole the most brilliant minds among the Ho'Din as well as the children who were no older than 10. The rest of the settlement was swept up in the attack and an orbital bombardment had finished off the surrounding areas leaving nothing but desolation.
Hanasuke was herded into a room full of other young students of various races onboard the Sith vessel, each one staring at the other in wonderment. It had likely been the first time any of them had met. The Cultists gave the children their dark robes for training and set them about meial tasks about the ship. For the time, they were to be slave labor.
As the years passed, the Cultists began to weed out the Force-sensitives among them. Luckily, Hanasuke had a great aptitude with plants and was placed in the artificial gardens on the ship. All of the others who were not as adept with the Force were given armor, weapons, and sent to raid settlements just as they had done on Moltok. Hanasuke worked alongside another Ho'Din taken from a colonized world who served as his mentor. His mentor was known only as Tel'Vaasis, and he taught him many religious rites that had not been taught to him as a child. Each day they would pray to Dinegia to guide them through their captivity with the Sith, but the more they prayed, the more futile it seemed.
There came a time much later when the Sith vessel was attacked by the Yuuzhan Vong who quickly boarded and struggled against the Sith and their warriors. Hanasuke fought bravely against them, only to have witnessed the deaths of many of the children (now adults) he had met on his first time upon the ship. Backed into a corner, Hanasuke was met by his fatally wounded Mentor who ushered him into one of the many escape pods. No words were exchanged, merely a glance, and Hanasuke was rushed out into the blackness of space within a cramped pod.
Until now, he had remained dormant among many agricultural worlds, studying starcharts in his spare time whenever he could find them. He would stow away on various vessels or barter passage to such worlds, hoping that to honor his Mentor's memory, he could do so through the admiration of flora.
---Military History: N/A
---Traumatic Experiences: Having to leave his Mentor behind at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Russton "Russ" "Xel" Xelcron
Russton Xelcron
Name: Russton Xelcron
Nickname: Russ or Xel
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Species: Devaronian
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
Affiliation: Whom ever is paying his bills.
Weapons: Mandalorian Blaster
---Personal History: Russ was born on Nar Shaddaa and learned how to Hack the low level security systems at a young age. Once he learned how to bypass the systems he became a good thief. He'd steal something worth alot of money and then end up selling it to someone who wanted it. It made for a great way to be noticed by the Underworld. Soon he started tinkering with rewriting system commands and reprogrammed old computer terminals that he found in the lower levels of the city that weren't being used for anything.
As he grew older he started to gain a reputation and was taken under the wing of a smuggler who took him off of Nar Shaddaa. The smuggler was someone named Jack Larks. Not his real name, but it worked. Russ learned how to repair ships while on board Jacks ship and slowly began to tinker with the systems of a ship as well as the engines and other technical know hows needed to be a mechanic for a ship.
It was only a matter of time before droids became the new obsession and he started reprogramming the droids on the ship too. Jack, later had a run in with the New Republic and was arrested for criminal affiliations and smuggling narcotics to a penal colony.
Russ was also arrested and he thought that was the end of him, until someone figured out he was a pretty good slicer/tech/programmer. He was given a light sentence due to having not known anything aobut the smuggling narcotics and was placed on probation. All Authorities were notified so no matter where he went, whether it be IR or GA he would have to behave lest he violate his pobation and be given a harsher sentence. He was given an honest living by a man who ran a docking station on an old Defense Platform.
His honest living didn't last more than a few months, before he ended up in a brawl after winning a Mandalorian Blaster in a card game. Drunk and angry, the loser attacked Russ and then Russ killed him.
He was arrested soon afterward and then placed in a cell awaiting trial.
Now, at the age of 19 he'd been arrested twice in as many months. The trial rapidly approached and his devilish appearance worked against him. He was sentenced to one year aboard Traest Kre'Feys ship. A light sentence some would say, had they never met Traest Kre'Fey. Traest was a hardliner from the military and followed his own rules as well as he did military rules. He rana tight ship and allowed nothing to be let by him, and no deed was gotten away with that had ill intentions of ill conceived consequences. Once of traest's ship, you were as good as a prisoner if you broke a rule.
Many wondered how such was able to take place whilst a war raged on. Russ even wondered too. It turns out it was for the better. He learned some discipline and gained more knowledge aboutt he things he loved, having aces to GA technologies and their manuals. He made many copies of the Tech manuals and accumulated from the other Techs a set of tools to call his own. They could see Russ was an eager learner, and was quick to learn what they taught him.
Once the war was signaledto be over Russ was allowed to leave. Russ, finding himself on Coruscant, found an old K-wing buried in the wreckage and began to strip it for parts, deciding to test his abilities and earn some credits. He was successful enough that he got most of the things tested and found they worked. So he began stripping the good parts out. but he needed crates to put them in, so he started doing odd jobs for the Galactic Alliance guys rebuilding Coruscant. Considering he didn't have any money and was little to know good at all being a jack of all trades a master of none, he did well.
Trading labor for crates, he found he enjoyed the odd jobs, but wanted to do more than just get what he needed. He heard the Jedi Outcasts were on Coruscant, and many claimed they were the real Heroes of the Yuuzahn Vong war. So he has begun to search for a way to join them.
Equipment carried: Russ has a Green Tool kit he carries that has tools used for work on ships/computer systems/droids and allows for repairs, upgrades and other tasks that he seems proficient in.
Green Tool Kit contents: Hand Held Beam Drill, Circuit Scanner, Decoder, Screw and Bolt Drivers, Plasma Torch, Prybar, Static Control Band, Pliers, Hammer Set, Screw Gun, Screw Gun Bits, Flash Drive, Hydro Spanner, Technical Manuals on Datadisks, Utility Knife.
System Check Unit. {see picture above}
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sia Kalayn
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Species: Human
Affiliation: self
---Traits: Confident, reserved, respectful, patient and calm
---Likes: Organization, clear objectives
---Dislikes: Criminals, questions concerning her past
---Habits: Singing to herself, reading history, meditating and sparring
---Skin Color: Light
---Hair Color: Black
---Eye Color: Black
---Clothing: Long-sleeved shirt, knee-length skirt, leggings, and boots, all white
---Other Attributes: height: 5’ 9”; weight, average
---Other Details: Hair comes down to middle back and is kept braided
Weapons: Hold-out pistol, blaster rifle.
---Name: Nenima
---Class: CLASSIFIED; fighter equivalent to advanced A-wing craft
---Crew: 1
---Passenger(s): 1
---Other Details: craft is black with green highlights (I’m not including much description of it yet so that I don’t limit the craft; right now I’m just thinking of it as just a bit better than an A-wing in most areas)
The Force
---Sensitivity: Moderate
---Religion: Light Side
---Lightsaber N/A
---Force Training: Some
---Force Abilities: sensitivity to danger, reflexes, light Force persuasion
---Force Weakness: telekinesis
---Other Force Object(s): Ring set with a small, yellow stone.
---Personal History: CLASSIFIED
---Military History: CLASSIFIED but a trained pilot
---Traumatic Experiences: CLASSIFIED
Aran Crypt
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Affiliation: New Republic
---Traits: Hyperactive, talks bluntly
---Likes: Ideas that work, room for his work
---Dislikes: Missing sleep, people in the way, dishonesty; any caffeinated drink
---Habits: Studies incessantly when not working (even during conversations sometimes), reads random words out loud when studying; eats almost twice as much as is normal for most humans
---Skin Color: Light
---Hair Color: Brown
---Eye Color: Brown
---Clothing: black boots, trousers, and a white short sleeves shirt; he likes wearing a dark red trench coat when off-duty
---Other Attributes: Height: 5’ 6”; a little overweight, though not as much as would be suggested by his appetite, hair is pretty ragged short as he cuts it himself
---Other Details:
Weapons: N/A
Starship N/A
The Force
---Sensitivity: Little
---Religion: Undecided
---Lightsaber N/A
---Force Training: Little
---Force Abilities: basic telekinetic
---Force Weakness: all other areas
---Other Force Object(s): N/A
---Personal History: Recognized at a young age as a prodigy in the medical sciences, he earned his doctorate at 18. He opted out of Republic research and instead got a medical position on board a ship. He was on board long enough to go through a few battles before he disappeared while on leave and wasn’t seen by officials again. To be noted, between the time he graduated and the time he disappeared, there were multiple attempts by unidentified individuals to either ‘move him to a mental facility’ or plain kidnap him.
---Military History: Was a medical officer on board an active Republic warship for a year or two. No military training.
---Traumatic Experiences: Watched his whole medical team die once. Also suffered from multiple kidnapping attempts.
Greth Artrosk
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Species: Human
Homeworld: Ord Mantell
Affiliation: N/A
---Traits: She is very precise and goes above and beyond the call of duty to please her superiors. Despite her kind and peaceful nature towards comrades, she can also be quite stoic and appears very serious and cold to strangers. This trait allows her to hold her own in a fight, but also causes her to be misunderstood on several occasions.
---Likes: Flying (ships and speeders), science and discovering how things work, animals and nature
---Dislikes: War and the need for beings to kill each other for no reason, cowards and lies
---Habits: Flipping through her datapad and reading random information when she's bored or nervous about something, and gesturing with her hands when she talks

---Clothing: Simple tan coveralls with cargo pockets and ankle-high brown boots; she wears a utility belt and a holster slung over her right hip
---Other Attributes: A small tattoo adorns her right wrist, a little reminder of her past and her home
Weapons: A small blaster pistol and a vibroblade hidden within her boot; she also carried several small parts and other equipment(datapad, comlink, droid caller) in her utility belt
---Name: N/A
---Class: N/A
---Hyperdrive Class: N/A
---Weapon(s): N/A
---Shields: N/A
---Sublight Speed: N/A
---Crew: N/A
---Passenger(s): N/A
---Max Cargo (kg): N/A
---Interior Description: N/A
---Other Details: N/A
The Force
---Sensitivity: Yes (partially trained)
---Religion: She believes in a higher being that controls the galaxy, but she doesn't know or understand what that is
-----Crystal(s): N/A
-----Blade(s): N/A
-----Color(s): N/A
-----Handle Description(s): N/A
---Force Abilities: N/A
---Force Weakness: N/A
---Other Force Object(s): N/A
---Personal History: Growing up on the dusty and desolate lands of Ord Mantell proved to be a sour start to life. Greth was an only child living with a single mother in the slums of Worlport. The nearby junkyards were a frequent nuisance and the planet's tendency to attract mercenaries and smugglers made homelife difficult and dangerous. Her mother, working a cocktail waitress at a local cantina, was also fairly poor and found it quite difficult to support Greth and any education she was to have. As a result, Greth spent most of her childhood being observant of her surroundings and teaching herself what she could through datapads and other historical documents.
When it was discovered that Greth possessed a special gift, she was quickly whisked away from her poor living arrangements on Mantell and thrust into the hustle and bustle of Coruscant, where she was to train as a Jedi. But the further she got into her training, the more she found herself disagreeing with the morals and doctrine in which the Jedi were supposed to uphold. After a year, she left the Order to pursue her own desires and ended up with the military.
Intel was her calling and she found herself working in the field when the Yuuzhan Vong invasion started. She was personally assigned to observe the Vong from a distance and try to understand their culture. What she uncovered was death and destruction and fearing for her life, she fled once more into isolation. It wasn't until the end of the war that she resurfaced back on Ord Mantell to find work and tend to her aging mother.
---Military History: She worked as an Intel operative for the first half of the Vong invasion until the fall of Coruscant. With the enemy appearing to have a clear victory, she fled the Alliance and went into hiding.
---Traumatic Experiences: During the war, Greth witnessed several acts of mutilation and human sacrifice while working as an undercover agent. It rattled her so much, that she became fearful of her own life and abandoned her work for the Alliance. Despite her fear, she is determined to carry out revenge on the Vong for how they treated the beings of the galaxy.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Aden Kya
Gender: Male
Age: 24, nearly 25
Species: Human
Homeworld: Fondor
Affiliation: Jensaarai (formerly)
---Traits: A quiet man with some shadows beneath his eyes, and in them, but a determined gentleman
---Likes: Peace, quietness, he likes crowds but not necessarily to be part of them; a loner who doesn't acknowledge himself to be so.
---Dislikes: Himself; the New Republic; the Alliance; his past.
---Habits: Aden tends to stroke his chin and appear thoughtful even when he's absentmindedly thinking.
---Skin Color: Pale
---Hair Color: Light brown
---Eye Color: Blue
---Clothing: Tends to wear loose fitting military clothes
---Other Attributes:
---Other Details:
Weapons: Lightsaber, holdout blaster
---Name: Vapid
---Class: TIE Interceptor
---Hyperdrive Class: 2
---Weapon(s): Single laser cannon, single missile launcher
---Shields: Yes
---Sublight Speed: Slightly slower than a standard Interceptor, faster than an X-wing
---Crew: 1
---Passenger(s): 0
---Max Cargo (kg): 40
---Interior Description: Ball cockpit, lightly padded
---Other Details:
The Force
---Sensitivity: Yes
---Religion: Jensaarai (nominally)
---Lightsaber - double-phase and standard saber
-----Blade(s): Short/silver and standard
-----Color(s): Green/silver and red
-----Handle Description(s): Standard on both
---Force Abilities: Telekinesis specifically, and subsets of it.
---Force Weakness: Less weaknesses, as his focus has been on the Force as opposed to swordplay, which he is not too proficient at all.
---Other Force Object(s):
---Personal History: Aden Kya was born in 7 ABY to an ex-Imperial sympathiser and an ex-Techno Union foreman on Fondor. Everything was atypically enjoyable, until the Reborn Emperor re-conquered the system and his mother rejoined the Empire. He never saw her again. His father, heartbroken, threw himself into his work, eventually becoming Senator for the nearby Tallaan system, and sent Aden to boarding school there. Aden wrote to his father weekly, and his father returned his messages, first weekly, then month, and then, by late 24 ABY, yearly - if he was lucky. Feeling abandoned, Aden played up at school, nearly destroying his fathers political career - who responded by vindictively having his son 'lost' in the Tapani slave crews. He was at Fondor when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked, and was taken captive during the first battle. Aden was recaptured, eventually, though he rarely speaks of that time period, nor about his saviors. He joined up when he was sufficiently recovered, late in the war, having discovered in the meantime that he was Force sensitive, and having been taken care of by his grandmother - who he lost to the Yuuzhan Vong. After the war he was discharged, and sought a new role - but the Jedi Order was far too strict for him, and his homeworld so constantly battered by the war that his faith in democracy was completely shattered. The murkier Jensaarai welcomed him, but he eventually left them, too. He is seeking a place in the galaxy, having been rejected all his life - he is a perpetual Outcast.
---Military History: He had a dint in a military squadron to the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War; took part in the Battles of Mon Calamari and Yuuzhan'tar, and he was demobbed upon the wars end - his mentality was described 'insufficient' for long-term peacekeeping roles. His piloting skills are not entirely developed, but he has kept up his practice, managing to hang on to his personal TIE Interceptor when being demobbed.
---Traumatic Experiences: Rejected by his father and left to rot in the slave pits of Fondor, and his time with the Yuuzhan Vong he does not speak of. The loss of his grandmother is high in his mind, and the red blade he inherited from her.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Zayl Kraer
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Species: Human
Homeworld: Chandrila
Affiliation: SpecForce Infiltrators
---Traits: Quiet, calm, and patient which could be the product of his previous occupation. Also prefers a “lone wolf” sort of mindset but he has no problem with socializing with others and helping them out with one of their own problems that may be plaguing them.
---Likes: Reading, slugthrowers, the quiet, target practice, the outdoors.
---Dislikes: The usual kind of things that first got him into service; the evils that an individual or a race – whether human or Vong or other – can do to another such as torture, genocide, and other injustices.
---Habits: He likes to play with his knife, whether to just take it out of its sheath and fiddle with it or run a cleaning cloth over it even if it isn’t necessary.
---Skin Color: Tan
---Hair Color: Black with silver streaks that had been dyed into it.
---Eye Color: Gray
---Clothing: When off-duty he tends to not care about his appearance, throwing on a tunic, pants, some boots, and being settled with that. When duty calls, he wears a uniform similar to his time as an Infiltrator; black bodysuit, tactical vest, combat boots, belt, and gloves.
---Other Attributes: His right leg has multiple scarring due to bacta treatment having come too late and a refusal of having them removed. The two, more prominent, scars are the ones on the lower portion of his leg with one running diagonally across the front and another going all the way up from his ankle to kneecap on the side. The kneecap itself has its own small cluster of scars, hinting to a shattered kneecap where the bones managed to burst through the skin.
Weapons: A vibroknife that is usually sheathed at his side, a SG-4 blaster rifle that can be found in an oversized leg holster, and a Tusken Cycler Rifle that he had managed to acquire during a mission on Tatooine that he had modified with a few upgrades – such as a scope, improved firing chamber, strengthened barrel, and flash suppressor – to turn it into a full-fledged sniper rifle.
---Name: N/A
---Class: N/A
---Hyperdrive Class: N/A
---Weapon(s): N/A
---Shields: N/A
---Sublight Speed: N/A
---Crew: N/A
---Passenger(s): N/A
---Max Cargo (kg): N/A
---Interior Description: N/A
---Other Details: N/A
The Force
---Sensitivity: Weak
---Religion: Not a very religious person, but he tends to curse with the Corellian hells; something he picked up from a Corellian comrade.
-----Crystal(s): N/A
-----Blade(s): N/A
-----Color(s): N/A
-----Handle Description(s): N/A
---Force Abilities: His sensitivity to the Force, while weak, has given him a Force Sense that allows him easier detection of individuals whether enemies or friends when putting his sniper rifle to work.
---Force Weakness: Everything else
---Other Force Object(s): None
---Personal History: Having been born on Chandrila, Zayl was born in a place that suffered relatively little compared to the rest of the galaxy. Ever since Operation Shadow Hand that had been led by the Reborn Emperor, Chandrila had never once been invaded or attacked again. Even during the Yuuzhan Vong War the planet had been ignored by the alien invaders due to its lack of military value. However, it was used as a haven for thousands of refugees from several New Republic worlds that hadn’t been so lucky.
It was the suffering that had taken place during the Vong War and the threat of galaxy-wide genocide that had convinced Zayl to leave the protection of his homeworld and dive headfirst into the bloody conflict by signing up for the New Republic military. Proving to be an excellent marksman in basic training, Zayl was trained to become a sniper due to his high scores. Unfortunately, no matter how well of a marksman he was, he couldn’t single-handedly stop the tragedies that occurred on countless worlds or the breakdown of the New Republic government. More often than not he would find himself on a shuttle that would take him away from one doomed world and bring him to the next. Alas, as history would record, even Coruscant couldn’t stand up to the invaders as it finally fell and, with it, the last shred of what had once been a diseased and rotted New Republic.
Fortunately, despite the dire straits, what remained of the New Republic came together and reformed into the new Galactic Alliance that proved to be much more suited to combat the Yuuzhan Vong. And while the government met some reformations, so too did the military as Zayl found himself being one of the several candidates that had been chosen to help revive the SpecForce 5th Regiment, the Infiltrators. Having been dissolved after the Battle of Endor, the usefulness of Infiltrators soon came back with the Yuuzhan Vong having become stretched thin due to their conquests. Drifting behind enemy lines, Zayl and his fellow Infiltrators sabotaged and destroyed Yuuzhan Vong supply lines and installations, incited prisoners to revolt, anything and everything to disrupt the Yuuzhan Vong war machine.
It paid off. In the end, the Yuuzhan Vong found themselves beaten back by the Galactic Alliance and its allies such as the Imperial Remnant before finally surrendering after liberating Coruscant. But despite the war being over, there were still pockets of resistance – whether Vong or Peace Brigade – that needed to be put down that Zayl was involved in. He only continued that work for two more years before the Galactic Alliance shifted its attention more into reconstruction. With the battles having finally been put to rest and there no longer being any need for people like him, Zayl had left SpecForce and the Alliance military in order to find another purpose to continue his peacekeeping goals.
---Military History: Starting out as a sniper for the New Republic near the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Zayl was later selected to help revive the Infiltrators of the SpecForce 5th Regiment. Here he and his comrades had attacked Yuuzhan Vong and Peace Brigade installations and supply depots to give the reformed Galactic Alliance time to prepare and counterattack. While an accomplished sniper, Zayl was given some limited training in the use of explosives and demolitions.
After the Yuuzhan Vong War, Zayl continued to put his expertise to good use. While there were some Yuuzhan Vong that still fought despite the order of recall from Warmaster Nas Choka, Zayl found himself performing operations against the Peace Brigade, a few of the bitter survivors having resorted to terrorism and trafficking Yuuzhan Vong weaponry that were now deemed as outlawed. For his last assignment, Zayl had hunted down and assassinated an infamous trafficker known as Snyder Judd before he left the Alliance military.
---Traumatic Experiences: There was a reason why his last assignment was indeed the last one. Upon Alliance Intelligence discovering a deal that was going down between Snyder and his buyers for some outlawed Yuuzhan Vong tech upon the former headquarters of the Peace Brigade, Ylesia, it was considered the perfect opportunity to assassinate him. Having been promoted to Lieutenant during that time, Zayl was under the command of Captain Ralli when the two of them were chosen to assassinate the dealer. With Zayl being the designated sniper, the two had infiltrated the site, setup position, and Zayl took the shot that ended Snyder’s life.
But while the assassination had gone perfectly, it was getting out that trouble appeared. With their position compromised, they immediately made a break for the designated LZ for evac where a shuttle would await them. Unfortunately, an armed airspeeder gave chase, leading to Zayl and Ralli to take out the pilot with combined sniper fire during their retreat. Out of control, the speeder plummeted towards them and Zayl was unlucky enough to have his right leg mangled upon the crash, causing Ralli to carry him and effectively slowing them down despite Zayl’s insistence to be left behind. That was enough for the rest of Snyder’s allies to catch up and, upon reaching the shuttle, Ralli was killed while Zayl was shuttled to safety with the guilt to forever be stuck to his conscious.
Texar "Tex" Dillett
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Species: Besalisk
Homeworld: Ojom
Affiliation: Jedi Outcasts
---Traits: Very friendly. Likes to chat your ears off if he gets the chance. Also is rather proud of his work, and likes to brag about his skill to fix and modify whenever a craft that he has worked on does something important.
---Likes: Oil, hydrospanners, conversation, starships
---Dislikes: Cafeteria food (the Meatloaf Surprise is a definite on his ‘Hit List’), dull people, egotistical people (even more proud of themselves than he is), astromech droids (they’re always getting beat up one way or another, and he has to fix them).
---Habits: Tends to clean his tools every five minutes, even if they’re not dirty. He likes for his tools to look clean and professional, even if his clothes are not. Also, he pushes the meat and vegetables on food trays to opposite sides of the plate and experiments with dunking random vegetables into the meat and then eating the lumped food.

---Skin Color: Brown
---Hair Color: None
---Eye Color: Green
---Clothing: A dark green tech jumpsuit that is covered with oil and grease stains from tech work. He sometimes wears a blue baseball cap-like hat.
---Other Attributes: About 1.9 meters tall, Tex is a little larger than the average Besalisk. He weighs about 220 pounds, and has a slight belly due to his lack of exercise. However, he’ll try to do something about that soon; maybe when there’s a treadmill installed in the base, he’ll go and work out on it to stay in shape.
---Other Details: A small scar on the top right arm that stemmed from a run-in with an angry astromech droid that had been partially slagged during a space skirmish. It had grabbed his tool and made a cut with it as he flailed to get it back from the droid’s robotic arm. He also has mostly-healed burns on his arms from an explosion caused by some of his technological work earlier in his career as a tech.
Weapons: DC-17 blaster rifle and his box of tools. Tex is not much of a fighter, but he still carries around a rifle in his toolbox just in case something goes wrong. If his blaster disappears, he’s always handy with a tool, so enemies must look out for flying tool projectiles.
Starship: None
---Name: -
---Hyperdrive Class: -
---Weapon(s): -
---Shields: -
---Sublight Speed: -
---Crew: -
---Passenger(s): -
---Max Cargo (kg): -
---Interior Description: -
---Other Details: -
The Force
---Sensitivity: None
---Religion: None
---Lightsaber – (Maybe in his dreams)
-----Crystal(s): -
-----Blade(s): -
-----Color(s): -
-----Handle Description(s): -
---Force Abilities: -
---Force Weakness: -
---Other Force Object(s): -
---Personal History: Tex Dillett was born on Ojom, as most of his fellow Besalisk are. He was always interested in fixing objects, and in his spare time decided to try and learn some skills in the repair business. Due to the nature of his species, there weren’t many opportunities for Tex to make a living as a mechanic, so he decided that he would have to get off-planet at some point and make his way to a planet which would appreciate his talent and maybe have a job for him. In the mean time, Tex continued to work on small projects, starting with small mouse droids and working his way up to larger objects, such as power droids and small recon droids that were missing the recon portions of their operating matrix. Once in a great while, Tex found himself a job working on a neighbor’s speeder. Although those were the most fun for Tex, as he could take various parts of the speeder apart and examine them before putting them back together with a few ‘slight’ modifications, these opportunities were very rare, and most of the time Tex felt a little lonely because he was stuck working on measly droids while there were others in the galaxy who got the chance to fix ships and speeders. Thus, his goal to get off-planet became even more intense. He could hardly get to bed some nights because he was thinking so hard about this goal, and he spent many hours contemplating what other worlds would look like.
As he grew in age, Tex joined a small bounty hunter force that allowed for him to get out of his neighborhood and go to new places. Although this gig only lasted a few months, it gave Tex some much-needed cash that he would turn around to use for passage to another planet . . . if only there was a ship that would take him somewhere. Gathering up his belongings and saying farewell to his family, Tex hitched out on a long walk to the only space terminal in the region. There, he asked three different star pilots if they could get him off Ojom; all three responded that they were carrying cargo only and had no room for passengers. Dismayed, Tex sat in the terminal for the next two days, waiting and hoping for a passenger ship to arrive. Just when he was going to leave and trudge home, such a ship arrived, under the direction of Jon Raish. Tex jumped at the chance that Raish offered, and soon found himself blasting off of his icy home planet.
As the days went by, Tex found an interest in asking Raish how his ship was put together. His main interest was the hyperdrive; he was curious how the thing worked, and exactly what it did to get you from one far-off place to another in only a few days. Raish answered Tex’s questions, and started to gain a liking for the curious teenager. However, soon after, Raish’s ship was attacked by a pirate fleet, and Raish called for Tex to man the turret gun and fend off the pirates while he got the ship out of the area. Tex, although he had never shot a turret gun before, manned the station and crippled one enemy ship before Raish got his craft into the safety of hyperspace. Relieved and a bit flustered by the difficulty of the turret handling, Tex decided that he would need to learn how to use a weapon effectively just in case something like that arose.
Landing on a new planet for the first time, Tex got out and breathed in the fresh air that came from a different planet than his own. He thanked Raish immensely for the ride, and started off into town to try and find a job. It took several days to get a shop owner to watch his talents; they were far too concerned with his age, thinking that he was incapable. Finally, he landed a job with a small-time company that made its money by salvaging scrap parts and soldering them into useable droids and other small objects. This job allowed for Tex to gain valuable experience in both repair and manufacturing, and gave him a rudimentary course on how to use sophisticated tools. As the months passed by, Tex’s skills grew, and he finally left the company to look for a better-paying job. Quickly landing one, Tex’s skills began to speak for themselves. The clientele for this company brought in small scooters and speeders, which Tex spent hours and hours working on, continuing to tinker with the parts after closing time.
Years passed, and Tex bounced around from mechanic job to repair job and back again, taking him to two other planets in the process. His skills greatly improved, he finally heard a piece of news about a certain Jedi Outcasts group hiring. It intrigued him, not knowing exactly what the group did but still fascinated with a new opportunity. Ready to give up a good-paying job, Tex applied to the group. It took a while for them to get back to him, but he was finally accepted into the group. He has worked as a hangar technician for the past 3 years.
---Military History: Not much. The bounty hunter group he was a part of as a teen went out and shot large rats that frequented that region of the planet, and occasionally found something else to bring in a bit of money. However, the group was not sophisticated enough to really give him any military experience.
The rest of his military experience was the time with the turret gun on the ship to a new planet, and some training with a blaster once a member of the Outcasts. However, Tex has never been a soldier; he’s far more interested in using tools than perfecting the ability to shoot ranged weapons or wield melee weapons. He has rudimentary training in how to shoot a blaster so that he can defend himself.
---Traumatic Experiences: One time, he rigged an astromech droid with a new motivator and let it go free to test it out. However, the motivator blew out instantly, shooting sparks and debris towards Tex and a fellow tech. Tex was burned in a few places after the accident, and then swore to himself that he would be more careful in the future.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Maranya Lirian
Gender: Female.
Age: 28
Species: Human.
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa.
Affiliation: Her Mercenary Group.
---Traits: Extremely loyal to the people she works with.
---Likes: Durable and reliable equipment.
---Dislikes: Trandoshans.
---Skin Color: Fair
---Hair Color: Brown
---Eye Color: Irises are red due to minor genetic mutation.
---Clothing: Normally wears armor.
---Other Attributes: Height is 5’11.
---Other Details:
Weapons: Wrist-mounted rocket launcher with light blaster built into the same system. Variety of convention weapons; blasters, knives, etc… Quantum-Crystalline enhanced long blade – Unknown Origin
The Force
---Sensitivity: Unknown
---Religion: Unknown
---Force Abilities: Unknown
---Force Weakness: Unknown
---Other Force Object(s): Unknown
---Personal History: History prior to eight months ago unknown, recently formed and led a small, moderately successful mercenary group best known for never taking unethical, or unscrupulous contracts.
---Military History: Observation in the field leads to conflicting accounts of capabilities. Most encounters show considerable skill in blaster rifle weaponry, with focus upon medium weight, reliable armor, and an expert in hand-to-hand confrontations. On at least two occasions however, she has gone into combat conditions wearing minimal armor, preferring non-cumbersome equipment. In these instances, she generally uses environment to her advantage, and uses blaster pistols, and on one occasion, an extremely durable sword of unknown origin. Reason for tactical disparity unknown.
---Traumatic Experiences: Unknown
Fyar Escalos
Gender: Male
Age: Chronological age: 32. Actual age: 27.
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Personality: Laid back off-duty, focused on-duty.
---Traits: Best with a projectile weapon, such as a sniper rifle or shotgun. Stronger, faster than normal human.
---Likes: Well-made gear. Blasting battle droids in half.
---Dislikes: Battle droids. Insane Criminals.
---Habits: A tendency to keep one hand on his weapon. Tapping the floor with his foot when bored.
---Skin Color: Fair
---Hair Color: Black
---Eye Color: Green
---Clothing: Usually brown, with light body armor most of the time.
---Other Attributes: N/A
---Other Details: N/A
Weapons: Prefers projectile weapons, has a sniper rifle capable of firing various loads, from tranquilizers, to explosives, etc. A projectile pistol, and a blaster carbine, as power packs are easier to come by than explosive rounds. A shotgun.
---Name: N/A
---Class: TIE Defender
---Hyperdrive Class: 2
---Weapon(s): Four laser cannons, two ion cannons, and two proton/concussion missile launchers.
---Shields: Moderate
---Sublight Speed: High
---Crew: One
---Passenger(s): None
---Max Cargo (kg): Unspecified
---Interior Description: Being spherical, it as more interior space than say, an x-wing.
---Other Details: Torpedo capacity has been reduced from eight, to four, to make more room for equipment.
The Force
---Sensitivity: None
---Religion: None
---Force Abilities: Impossible to detect in the force, or have force powers used against.
---Force Weakness: None
---Other Force Object(s): None
---Personal History: When he was a baby, a jedi on the run from Darth Vader found him, and realized he was force-sensitive. The jedi knew that if Vader found Fyar, he would probably kill him, or turn him into a dark jedi. Not wanting either to happen, the jedi did something that changed the nature of the force in him, taking away his force sensitivity, but also making him invisible to the force, like the Vong. This ‘force change’ had two side effects: one, for the first five years of his life he was in a ‘force coma’ that was like stasis in the fact that it prevented him from aging. Two, he’s stronger and faster than a normal human being. He was twenty years old when the Vong attack on the galaxy began, and he found out about his above-normal capabilities when he fought his way through two Vong warriors to reach one of the few remaining space-capable ships left after the conquest of Coruscant. The ship was a TIE defender, a craft he has retained ever since. Afterwards he decided to become a mercenary to work for the Galactic Alliance. His usual jobs are bringing in dangerous criminals or scouting out enemy bases, though from time to time he has participated in battles, whether using his TIE in space, or his variety of guns on the ground.
---Military History: Mercenary
---Traumatic Experiences: Being on Coruscant when it was conquered. The usual experiences one gets from working as a mercenary.
Kal Jeti
Gender: Male
Age: 32years
Species: Lorrdian (Subgroup of Human)
Homeworld: Lorrd
Languages: Basic, Basic Trianii, Twi’lek, Kinetic Communication
Affiliation: Money and freedom
---Traits: Joker with a flair for pranks, very observetive, often mimics others to vent, and can be a bit forward at times.
---Likes: Small groups, karaoke. Warm weather, from growing up in a warmer equatorial region on Lorrd. Lining up a perfect shot.
---Dislikes: Slavery, due to his own planets history which is deeply engrained. Cold weather, over oppressive governments, untrained fighters, and strict or ‘overly’ serious individuals.
---Habits: A veritable traveler even when confined to one spot he always like to stay on the move in some fashion, and whether it be physically pacing or in relational terms he always is on the move. Sees individuals as open books and will often use this for shock or gag value depending on the mood of the situation. Some beliefs about the mood of a situation and resulting pranks to change it have led to his expulsion from some groups such as the Lorrdian Defense Fleet, Red Moon Mercenaries, CSA, and most recently Ekibo Defense Fleet.
---Strengths: Starfighters, rifles, reading people, and kinetic language.
---Weakness': Large ego, easily baited, and often gets himself in tough situations.
---Other Attributes: Extensive knowledge of some fighter types used in the past, kinetic communication, and ranged fighting.
---Height: 5’10”
---Skin Color: Light tan.
---Hair Color: Dark Brown
---Eye Color: Green
---Other Details: Wears dark brown and green jump suit with a short bicep length brown poncho.
---Weapons: A Merr-Sonn’s MSD-32 disruptor pistol with a scope; E-11 blaster rifle; and Darksticks, some with a hollow tip, for up-close and distance fighting if necessary.
Personal Ship
---Type: Starfighter named Silent Night
----Weapons: Two double blasters, one ion cannon, and two six magazine torp tubes.
----Extras: Cargo hold in the nose, and seating for one additional passenger(cramped).
The Force(Optional)
---Yes or No?: Yes
---Affiliation: N/A
---Lightsaber Type: N/A
---Blade Color: N/A
---Other: He is merely force sensitive, and has no training/learned ability or understanding of the force beyond an enhanced uptake of alien/beast languages he attributes to his kinetic communication abilities.
---Personal History: It was the best of times, it was the pink silly string of times.
Being born and raised on Lorrd near the capitol city he learned at an early age how to use kinetic communication to its full extent and began the lifelong process of looking for ways to add onto it. Being not exactly a road scholar or one for the Nuna Ball Team he sought a way to input into society while staying true to himself and to heritage. He found that in following his great-grandfathers footsteps and joining the Lorrd Defense Force.
After basic training and advanced training was over he found himself in an awkward situation, or rather his commanders did. He was an ace in the cockpit whether against AI’s, fellow pilots, or on pirate base raids for their sector, but back at base once a mission ended the pranks and lack of regulation behavior invariably broke the rules. It led to his eventual dishonorable discharge after five years of service when he pranked the then campaigning President of Lorrd into a cardio infarction. His only defense was that the man was obviously too uptight and that it wasn’t fatal once the medics arrived and corrected the President’s heart back into line with the rest of living beings.
Deciding that he might be better off in the galaxy at large where his name wouldn’t tarnish any of his families he joined the Red Moon Mercenaries, one of the few more moral groups at the time that he found. His stay with them included more training for being able to fight on the ground as well as a pilot to be more useful on missions. His training was performed by his company leader Le, an Kerestian master of Darksticks, from whom he quickly became skilled until he was transferred to another unit as their pilot and silent fighter. When he was transferred Le gave him a set of modern Darksticks and older versions so that he would have a full set all his own. They are one his most valued possessions to this day, more valuable to him than any ship. During his four years with them he went on many missions that appealed to his moral tastes that allowed outlets for his pranks onto the enemy, unfortunately a lull in such an outlet quickly led to another incident from which he excused himself before he could be fired or severely reprimanded.
Heading to an area where credits were hopefully not too difficult to come by, he bummed around in the CSA for a brief time before hiring himself out to the organization. During his service, he fought in battles against the Vong and at one point was sent to fight the Trianii Uprising on the border. During his battles, he invariably heard rumors and leaks about those he was fighting, “The Vong why they’re the invaders from beyond the galaxy while these Trianii are just a bunch of uppity slaves that have too much spirit.” As his carrier’s captain ill advisedly informed him. That was the end of his career with the CSA, in the next offensive battle against the Trianii he made a dive dirt side of Ekibo transmitting the schematics of the other ships as well as the one he abandoned on an open frequency with weakness’ highlighted for reference. Thus ending his two years service in the CSA Fighters Corps.
After six months of observations, studies, and hearings he was released by his then captors and given the option of a continued semi-military career as a pilot for their planetary defense fleet as they kept any attempts by the Vong, CSA, or rogue/pirate group. He accepted and although apart of the squad he was never apart of that world, and he felt it every day he flew for it in his three years of service especially every time he walked into a room as schematics or other such details were quickly hidden. Having had enough of such a fake accepting life where his pranks were only tolerated since they kept everyone on their toes and for his previous aid, he finally decided to head back into the galaxy at large, probably to some galaxy-forgotten sector and begin his life anew with his new fighter that he took with him. Silent Night.
After using a what was nearly his limited fuel supply to jump far outside of the CSA controlled space and spending a few hours fixing the nav computer that had locked him out to squeeze one more jump he decided to use the sage old method of eni-mini-miny-moe. His ‘decision’ led him to the Outcasts then hidden base on a remote world just days before it was put under siege by the later branded insane traitor Borsk Fey’lya’s fleet. His own role was small, but he played his part for the Outcasts as he had made a ‘bargain’ for his ships repair and restoration to full working order in the form of his services until such time as his debts were payed.
During his stay he has made a name for himself as a bit of a reluctant hustler and gambler as well as prankster, but tries to keep in the crews good graces by regularly losing a little more then he wins to someone he deems worthy of the ‘pot’. He has also come under the nickname of BAR along with Jim Palso whom he quickly befriended as a “Brother from Another Rebel” to counter the female only “Pink Princess Trio”.
After the battle when the then Chancerlor retired with her male WingCommander, an interesting pair he decided to stay on. In part to make sure life didn’t get to boring for the bunch of new leaders, in another so as not to miss the fun whilst new leaders are broken in, and for a part he wouldn’t normally cop to, he was starting to like these guys.