Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Kal Jeti
Gender: Male
Age: 32years
Species: Lorrdian (Subgroup of Human)
Homeworld: Lorrd
Languages: Basic, Basic Trianii, Twi’lek, Kinetic Communication
Affiliation: Money and freedom
---Traits: Joker with a flair for pranks, very observetive, often mimics others to vent, and can be a bit forward at times.
---Likes: Small groups, karaoke. Warm weather, from growing up in a warmer equatorial region on Lorrd. Lining up a perfect shot.
---Dislikes: Slavery, due to his own planets history which is deeply engrained. Cold weather, over oppressive governments, untrained fighters, and strict or ‘overly’ serious individuals.
---Habits: A veritable traveler even when confined to one spot he always like to stay on the move in some fashion, and whether it be physically pacing or in relational terms he always is on the move. Sees individuals as open books and will often use this for shock or gag value depending on the mood of the situation. Some beliefs about the mood of a situation and resulting pranks to change it have led to his expulsion from some groups such as the Lorrdian Defense Fleet, Red Moon Mercenaries, CSA, and most recently Ekibo Defense Fleet.
---Strengths: Starfighters, rifles, reading people, and kinetic language.
---Weakness': Large ego, easily baited, and often gets himself in tough situations.
---Other Attributes: Extensive knowledge of some fighter types used in the past, kinetic communication, and ranged fighting.
---Height: 5’10”
---Skin Color: Light tan.
---Hair Color: Dark Brown
---Eye Color: Green
---Other Details: Wears dark brown and green jump suit with a short bicep length brown poncho.
---Weapons: A Merr-Sonn’s MSD-32 disruptor pistol with a scope; E-11 blaster rifle; and Darksticks, some with a hollow tip, for up-close and distance fighting if necessary.
Personal Ship
---Type: Starfighter named Silent Night
---Description/Model: http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m254/Cucumber_Boy/joshsship.jpg
----Weapons: Two double blasters, one ion cannon, and two six magazine torp tubes.
----Extras: Cargo hold in the nose, and seating for one additional passenger(cramped).
The Force(Optional)
---Yes or No?: Yes
---Affiliation: N/A
---Lightsaber Type: N/A
---Blade Color: N/A
---Other: He is merely force sensitive, and has no training/learned ability or understanding of the force beyond an enhanced uptake of alien/beast languages he attributes to his kinetic communication abilities.
---Personal History: It was the best of times, it was the pink silly string of times.
Being born and raised on Lorrd near the capitol city he learned at an early age how to use kinetic communication to its full extent and began the lifelong process of looking for ways to add onto it. Being not exactly a road scholar or one for the Nuna Ball Team he sought a way to input into society while staying true to himself and to heritage. He found that in following his great-grandfathers footsteps and joining the Lorrd Defense Force.
After basic training and advanced training was over he found himself in an awkward situation, or rather his commanders did. He was an ace in the cockpit whether against AI’s, fellow pilots, or on pirate base raids for their sector, but back at base once a mission ended the pranks and lack of regulation behavior invariably broke the rules. It led to his eventual dishonorable discharge after five years of service when he pranked the then campaigning President of Lorrd into a cardio infarction. His only defense was that the man was obviously too uptight and that it wasn’t fatal once the medics arrived and corrected the President’s heart back into line with the rest of living beings.
Deciding that he might be better off in the galaxy at large where his name wouldn’t tarnish any of his families he joined the Red Moon Mercenaries, one of the few more moral groups at the time that he found. His stay with them included more training for being able to fight on the ground as well as a pilot to be more useful on missions. His training was performed by his company leader Le, an Kerestian master of Darksticks, from whom he quickly became skilled until he was transferred to another unit as their pilot and silent fighter. When he was transferred Le gave him a set of modern Darksticks and older versions so that he would have a full set all his own. They are one his most valued possessions to this day, more valuable to him than any ship. During his four years with them he went on many missions that appealed to his moral tastes that allowed outlets for his pranks onto the enemy, unfortunately a lull in such an outlet quickly led to another incident from which he excused himself before he could be fired or severely reprimanded.
Heading to an area where credits were hopefully not too difficult to come by, he bummed around in the CSA for a brief time before hiring himself out to the organization. During his service, he fought in battles against the Vong and at one point was sent to fight the Trianii Uprising on the border. During his battles, he invariably heard rumors and leaks about those he was fighting, “The Vong why they’re the invaders from beyond the galaxy while these Trianii are just a bunch of uppity slaves that have too much spirit.” As his carrier’s captain ill advisedly informed him. That was the end of his career with the CSA, in the next offensive battle against the Trianii he made a dive dirt side of Ekibo transmitting the schematics of the other ships as well as the one he abandoned on an open frequency with weakness’ highlighted for reference. Thus ending his two years service in the CSA Fighters Corps.
After six months of observations, studies, and hearings he was released by his then captors and given the option of a continued semi-military career as a pilot for their planetary defense fleet as they kept any attempts by the Vong, CSA, or rogue/pirate group. He accepted and although apart of the squad he was never apart of that world, and he felt it every day he flew for it in his three years of service especially every time he walked into a room as schematics or other such details were quickly hidden. Having had enough of such a fake accepting life where his pranks were only tolerated since they kept everyone on their toes and for his previous aid, he finally decided to head back into the galaxy at large, probably to some galaxy-forgotten sector and begin his life anew with his new fighter that he took with him. Silent Night.
J9-85 "AteHive"
Gender: Drone/In flux based on colony stratification and social justifications.
Age: 63years
Species: Droid
Homeworld: Roche Asteroid Field
Affiliation: Droids/Self/Master(If applicable)
---Traits: Highly inquisitive, indirect information retrieval/communications, buzzing overtone to voice no matter language, incorporation of insectoid qualities into translations, and painstaking detail if asked to relate observations.
---Likes: Computer codes, being of service to the hive. Fire, and religious connotations that pertain to fire, the association and attraction came from a faulty program upgrade when adding software to accommodate the 8D8 smelter droids different motivators and readjusting safety perceptions to accommodate increased tolerance to heat/fire from the hips down. Insectoid races in general to better acceptance of his model and social structure, and a general distaste for most non-insectoid races due to their inability to accept an insectoid protocol unit designated as a worker drone and common lack of clear social structure.
---Dislikes: Mistreated or oppressed droids being tasked beneath their station, and those largely responsible for such misguided and abusive uses. Touchy or emotional organics, and those that look out for only themselves and not the betterment of the current society/hive they find themselves serving. Humans and similar species in general for an abundance of these traits in their races.
---Habits: Though admittedly loyal, still has hive/insectoid based core programming. With a preternatural attraction to fire and its effects, often uses fire as a basis for explaining his perception of organics, due to his view of most as a ravaging and often self-destructive organism. Has little or purposeful ignorance of electronic privacy, and will often when left alone hack through systems and personal files of those organics encountered and those referenced as important in their personal files. Which has led to several dismemberments and partially successful memory wipes before coming into the ownership of a master that improved programming and judgment in execution of searches, albeit for personal reasons. Lighting small fires to assess new acquaintances/masters for competence under duress and emotional competency. Will often connect to nearby computers via communications package to garner information and for company if current form is too slow, boring, or absent.
---Strengths: Computer codes, Languages/cultures, pyrotechnics/fire in general, loose electronic property ethics, and defensive up-close fighting capabilities.
---Weakness': Overconfident in own judgments, preference for use of fire, and inability to attack/harm organic/machine directly without being immediately endangered itself or its master in some way.
---Skin Plating Color: Tarnished/grungy mustard yellow (To human based eyes, highly accentuated in colors to Verpine spectrum of vision)
---Photoreceptor Color: One-way Black Protective casing
---Other Attributes: Extensive knowledge of computer, ship, languages, and droids.
---Other Details: Has integrated components, legs/hips and motivators where replaced with a Roche's 8D8 smelter droids. Has an incorporated small internal smuggling compartment, and has an attached backpack (Think B1 model for size and outward appearance) for extended comm capabilities and storage usage, and a multipurpose information socket inside the palm of each manipulator.
---Weapons: Not that kind of droid, beyond a basic C-22 flame pistol usually kept in the backpack.
---Personal History: To long and twisted to bore the common un-imprisoned audience
Amended is the Readers Regurgitation version.
Being the 85th off the production line has its perks, most of the earlier bugs from prototypes have been worked out of the programming and parts, and just enough deeper quirks remain to yet be uncovered in the programming of personality. After an inability to be sold due to large misunderstandings about the droids role, misconceiving the label 'worker drone' as an inventory and loading unit instead of a protocol unit designation, by other sentient species and particularly the large market represented by mammillian species due to the insectoid appearance and misunderstanding of the Verpine designation of Worker Drone. Causing it and its line to become known as a flawed and failed experiment into protocol droids by the Roche hives.
It spent a couple years of work programming other droids within one of the Roche asteroid hives gaining an increased working knowledge of many other forms of droids, 85 was later acquired in lot with a hundred other operational members by an up and coming underground criminal smuggling and information based organization, which eventually became known as the Smugglers Alliance years later after Karde took control of the organization after Cardaz disappeared. After a short term in service and change of leadership 85 was relocated along with thirty other J9 units to a large cargo ship to be transported to an undisclosed location for 'mixing' as a favor for a hidden informant of the organization in the CSA. Prior to which the droids were fitted for computer espionage, hacking, and reckon capabilities to better create, hopefully, additional informants or employees. During the mission it was one of the few left active aboard ship to help in the running of the ship and caretaking/spying on the 'delegation' they were transporting to an embargoed CSA controlled planet. Due to the droids hip motivators destruction caused by a mechanical repair accident of the ship during the mission 85 was unable to make the journey to be mixed with the crystalline sentience that was ‘borne’. The captain of the vessel kept 85 onboard ship afterwards and replaced his failed locomotion capabilities with that of an 8D8 unit, and continued with fiddling with upgrades ever since. It is after the initial upgrade with the 8D8 propulsion unit and software update that the droids ‘fascination’ with fire began.
After the captain retired for personal reasons, he took the droid with him in relocating to a Trianii Rangers space station where he and his wife raised the lost or orphans, largely those of none Trainii race that the Rangers had taken in after helping reclaim a colony world, where the unit operated largely as controller of estate and caretaker to the family. After many years, upgrades, and experiments later whilst operating in the droid rare environment of the Trianii, with their attitude to droids as children or near equals, his quirks accentuated into his current personality and outlook at treatment of droids by organics in the galaxy, views he hopes to someday share. Due to the highly spiritual undertone of the Trianii, which infuses every facet of their society, his views and eccentric use of fire took on a more religious and fact finding overtone, becoming more of a tool and use of discovery then merely a fascination. These views and uses of what he has learned before being reintroduced to the galaxy at large have greatly reshaped his personality and understanding of what a relationship between a droid and its owner or others should be, as well as whether one should be allowed to own a droid or deserves to be its master. Which perhaps in a way is its greatest weakness as it will judge a person solely on their stance and treatment of droids, and not considering other factors to outweigh it in importance, nor will its mind be easily changed that an individual should be perceived otherwise or that they can change.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Menelluin Raca Lightrider
Gender: Male
Age: 6.5 [appearance of 13 year old human (as combining races speed up growth process) mental ability lies somewhere between biological age and physical age].
Species: Primean/Melmeolalaithian mix
Homeworld/Province: Mon Calamari MC80 Cruiser Stryke [now destroyed]
Affiliation: Civilian with hopes of one day joining the Jedi Outcasts.
---Traits: A rambunctious, eager troublemaker. He looks on his father's memory with admiration as the legendary hero and strives to be just like him. However, Skye's rejection of his heroic past had created a strong tension between Menelluin and his father, leading to Menelluin's rebellious nature. He also argues with his twin sister, Ellerina, jealous of her seemingly closer relationship with his father. Part of his jealousy stems from her having received his father's sword while he inherited his father's bandana.
---Likes: His father, to the point of hero worship. The military life he has with the Outcasts. Combat training.
---Dislikes: Having to be still and quiet. Constantly being held back. Fear of not living up to his father's memory.
---Habits: Constant troublemaker. Always picking fights with his sister. Over eagerness leads to a slight lack of control with his Force/Spirit.
---Skin Color: Caucasian
---Hair Color: Grey, a few shades darker than his father's. Forms large spikes that fall around head, the largest past his shoulders.
---Eye Color: Light Blue.
---Clothing: Favors the look of a soldier. Thus is clothing consists of combat pants, military boots, and t-shirts. He is eager for the day he will be granted the right to wear the Outcast uniform.
---Other Attributes/Details: Nothing significant.
Weapons: Self-Built Lightsaber as part of Jedi Training. Small blaster given as present from an Outcast.
Spirit/Force: Due to lineage, Menelluin has a Force/Spirit mix. His overeagerness often makes his control lacking. Menelluin is more attuned to the phsycial aspects of the abilities, with more control over objects rather than mental abilities.
---Personal History: Born while parents were members of the Jedi Outcasts. Lived on the Mon Cal Cruiser and all ships there after, learning from his extended family. Military life soon taught him several harsh lessons in life, the harshest being the loss of his father. Menelluin grew to adore the military life, praising his father's memory as a legendary hero; his goal is to be just like his father someday. He also harbors wishes to avenge his father's death.
---Military History: None Official. Growing up among the Outcasts he has learned much of the military life. He will listen to any Outcast willing to teach him combat skills, tell tales of their past missions, or give him any other pointers that will aid him in his quest to become a great military figure.
Elerrina Calasse Lightrider
Gender: Female
Age: 6.5 (slightly older than her twin) [appearance of 13 year old human (as combining races speed up growth process) mental ability lies somewhere between biological age and physical age].
Species: Primean/Melmeolalaithian mix
Homeworld/Province: Mon Calamari MC80 Cruiser Stryke [Now destroyed]
Affiliation: Civilian with Jedi Outcast ties.
---Traits: A quiet girl, much the opposite of her twin. Her contemplative nature allowed her to get along wonderfully with her father while wondering on occasions what in the world gets her mother and brother to do some of the things they do. She gets along with her mother well enough, but finds that she has trouble relating to her mother’s oddness. Her brother’s argumentative nature gets on her nerves and, like her father, she enjoys solitude on a regular basis.
---Likes: Studying lore and medicine (ancient remedies of various cultures are of great interest to her), beating her brother in a game of wits, singing.
---Dislikes: Too many distractions. Combat.
---Habits: Wanders off to be alone (constantly trying to find a way to get away from her brother). Spends hours studying lore and medicine.
---Skin Color: Caucasian with some of her mother’s blue tint.
---Hair Color: Red. Her hair is straight, going to about the small of her back. Large lengths to shoulder length are just in front of her ears, and bangs over her headband to ear length (triple layered hair)
---Eye Color: Green.
---Clothing: Long gi top with long sleeves that makes a skirt to just above knees. Pants that cover the rest of her legs. Simple boots, and a large headband that completely covers her forehead. So the gi top is long, held back by a wide belt.
---Other Attributes/Details: Nothing significant.
Weapons: Self-Built Lightsaber as part of Jedi Training. Bow and arrows that her mother taught her how to carve, string, and align feathers.
Spirit/Force: Due to lineage, Elerrina has a Force/Spirit mix. Her calmness grants her great control over her abilities. Elerrina is opposite her brother in that she is more in control of the mental aspects of her abilities than the physical aspects.
---Personal History: Born while parents were members of the Jedi Outcasts. Lived on the Mon Cal Cruiser and all ships there after, learning from her extended family. Military life soon taught her several harsh lessons in life, the harshest being the loss of her father, and created her desire for a peaceful means to settle any conflict. Due to her non-combative nature she has decided she would like to follow a path in medicinal healing.
---Military History: None Official. Through her experiences thus far, growing up among the Outcasts, she learned much of military life, though she is still too young to hold any rank or be an official Outcast. She is currently awaiting answer to a request to be able to apprentice to one of the Jedi Outcast medical officers.
Earwen Namie Lightrider [Ancalime]
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Species: Melmeolalaithian
Homeworld/Province: Melmeolalaith
Affiliation: Jedi Outcasts
Division: Brass
---Traits: Cheerful, very social, mischievous, random, and loud.
---Likes: Family, singing, lore, flying, developing Jedi talents, Outcast friends, and reading.
---Dislikes: Royal hierarchy, killing living things, and feeling trapped.
---Habits: Talkative. Extremely curious.
---Skin Color: Faint blue. Gives the illusion of glowing when she is experiencing extreme emotion.
---Hair Color: Fiery red. Layered cut, no bangs.
---Eye Color: Green
On home world: Green cloak with a leaf clasp. Often wears sleeveless dresses with special arm bands that have leaves trailing down to bracelets. Circular emblems of silver are found in the middle of the arm bands on both sides. As a young child the emblems were the Melmeolalaithian crest and the Aranel symbol. Since joining the Outcasts she has replaced with Aranel symbol with the Jedi Outcast symbol. With the dresses she wears short boots that come up to just above the ankle as solid and then wrap in a spiral open form up to just below the knee. Her outfit is made complete with her silver leaf belt with her lightsaber attached (and decorated with the same leaves).
On base (so most of the time): Uniform while on duty. Combat pants, boots, and a tank top or t-shirt when off duty. Special occasions (non-military) a few of the dresses she brought with her.
---Other Attributes/Details: Ears are slightly pointed.
Weapons: Lightsaber. Blaster and mini blasters. Bow and arrows. Knives.
Spirit/Force: Received extensive Jedi training. Connection with the Force is still strong.
---Personal History:
0 years born into the Melmeolalaithian Royal Family as the crown princess (Aranel) and heir to the throne
3 years old began Jedi training in secret with an uncle
7 years old began head of state lessons
8 years old began flying lessons
10 years old co-presided over matters of the people
13 years old left Melmeolalaith and set out on her own
18 years old joined the Outcasts
19 years old married Skye Lightrider
21 years old gave birth to Menelluin and Elerrina
25 years old became a widow
27 years old becomes Vice Chancellor of the Jedi Outcasts.
---Military History:
Moved up through the ranks: Flight Officer to Ensign to Lieutenant Jr. Grade to Lieutenant to Senior Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander to Commander to Major to Lieutenant Colonel to Colonel to General to Grand General to current position as Vice Chancellor
Additional duties taken on over the years included the role of Executive Officer after Lissa had taken on the role as Supreme Chancellor. Now that Laine has assumed the Chancellorship and Earwen the VC position - they will need to decide on who will take on the XO duties.
See Jedi Outcast records for all further military history.
Griffin Lars
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Human
Homeworld: Dantooine
Affiliation: (formerly) New Republic Navy
---Traits: Aloof and insensitive at first glance, but soft and caring beneath the surface. An interesting trait of his, is that while he dislikes people who pretend to be something they're not, he ends up hiding himself from people for fear of loss.
---Likes: Real people who aren't afraid to speak their mind.
---Dislikes: Those who put on a false front, and the sound plasteel makes when you rub it against another peice of plasteel
---Habits: Is a nail biter
---Skin Color: Caucasian
---Hair Color: Brown
---Eye Color: Green
---Clothing: A white shirt, covered by an open brown flight jacket, black pants, and brown boots. Around his neck he wears a necklace bearing the insignia of his family, as well as black gloves.
---Other Attributes: Is of average height, at 5 feet, 10 inches tall.
---Other Details: Is of medium build, moderately muscular, very cut.
Weapons: Blastech DL44 heavy blaster pistol, modified to have slightly longer barrel, tweaked to expend slightly more energy, resulting a more powerful bolt, and outfitted with scope.

---Name: The Ragnarok (modified YT-2400 Corellian Transport)
---Class: Light freighter
---Hyperdrive Class: (not savvy enough on starships to answer)
---Weapon(s): Laser cannon (remote turret mounted), concussion missiles.
---Shields: Average unmodified shields
---Sublight Speed: *gestures to above answer to hyperdrive question*
---Crew: Varies from mission to mission
---Passenger(s): 6 (maximum)
---Max Cargo (kg): 100 metric tons
---Interior Description: Standard YT-2400 interior, nothing extravagant
---Other Details: Has many battle scars from past adventures.
The Force
---Sensitivity: Slight
---Religion: none
-----Crystal(s): n/a
-----Blade(s): n/a
-----Color(s): n/a
-----Handle Description(s): n/a
---Force Abilities: n/a
---Force Weakness: n/a
---Other Force Object(s): n/a
---Personal History: Griffin was born on Dantooine, to the Lars family. His father, Jarden Lars, was a slave to the rich Sandral family which had resided on the planet for milennia. Due to his job, Jarden was allowed to live with his wife and son in a small apartment on the east wing of the Sandral estate. He grew up around the Sandrals, and considered them his family, for the most part. At a young age he befriended Natalya Sandral, who was around the same age. The two quickly became inseparable, spending most of their time together. At the age of 18, he developed a romantic relationship with her, unbeknownst to her parents. As time went by, the two grew ever closer, but their dreams were dashed when Griffin was called away to the Republic Navy, during the Vong wars.
After the war, he returned home to Dantooine, hoping that his love still waited for him. To his unpleasant surprise, she had been forced into an arranged marriage by her parents, and had eventually forgotten Griffin while he was away at war.
A broken man, he used the funds he recieved from his service in the navy to purchase a YT-2400 freighter, giving what little was left of his funds to his parents, allowing them to retire.
Sinking into depression, he turned back to military duty, to forget his woes. Considering returning to the republic, he instead settled on mercenary duty.
---Military History: When the Vong invaded, Griffin was obligated to join the Republic Navy, serving through the entire five year war as a pilot. Following the Vong's defeat, Griffin was a changed man, severely traumatized by the horrors of the conflict. Although he emerged a decorated pilot of the republic, he retired from duty to return home to Dantooine.
---Traumatic Experiances: Yuuzhan Vong war, loss of his first love.
Erik Bentham and Jinn
Gender: Males
Age: 25 and Unknown
Species: Human, Noghri
Homeworld: Corellia, Honguhr (sp?)
Affiliation: Outcasts
---Traits: Erik- Calm, smooth, clear headed, smart; Jinn- Aggressive, shady, slick
---Likes: Erik- Fighting, philosophy; Jinn- Stealing, fighting, money, gambling
---Dislikes: Erik- Ignorant people, idiots, women, competition; Jinn- Smart people, getting caught, losing
---Habits: Erick- Good leader, analyzes everything, tends to rant sometimes; Jinn- Gambling, drinking, fighting, stealing
---Skin Color: Erik- Tan; Jinn- Grey
---Hair Color: Erik- Blonde, shabby; Jinn- none
---Eye Color: Erik- Blue; Jinn- Red
---Clothing: Erik- Baisic smugglers clothing, brown pants, tight shirt, vest; Jinn- loin cloth
---Other Attributes: Erik- Very attractive, though he tries not to be, he can't help it. Jinn; Short and ugly
---Other Details:
Weapons: Erik- Two Blaster pistols on side, lightsabre from Jedi, various weapons in ship; Jinn- Blaster pistol, Noghri death stick
---Name: None
---Class: E-wing and X-wing
---Hyperdrive Class: FAST
---Weapon(s): Baisic weapons for fighters, Ion cannon on E-wing as well.
---Shields: Good
---Sublight Speed: FAST
---Crew: 1
---Passenger(s): None
---Max Cargo (kg): Not very big
---Interior Description: Normal, though very many hidden compartments
---Other Details:
The Force
---Sensitivity: Erik- Strong; Jinn- none
---Religion: None
-----Blade(s): 1
-----Color(s): Silver
-----Handle Description(s): Plain black
---Force Abilities: TK, Using the force to enhance fighting ability
---Force Weakness: Using the force in every day situations, he usually just releies on his wits and intuition
---Other Force Object(s):
---Personal History: Erik was born into a poor, poor family, with a long Jedi tradition. At the age of six, he was whisked away to the temple, to be trained as the next great Jedi leader. Erik stayed there for 8 years, and learned the ways of the Jedi. His quick learning ability and stength in the force made him a natural leader for his class, though Erik secretly hated the idea of an organized force releigion. At the age of fourteen, Erik broke out of the temple, killed his former master, stole his lightsbare, and ran into the streets. For the next 3 years, the young fugitive hid on the streets of Courascant, making a big name for himself. Stealing, fighting, and persuading his way into street infamy. One night he ran into a Noghri named Jinn, who was in the same situation. Both needed to desperatly escape the planet. One because of sheer boredom and desperation, the other becasuse he valued his life. Without asking any questions, Erik and Jinn formed an alliance, stole a ship, and headed for the stars. For the last 6 years, the infamous duo has been making a name for themselves in the underground. Smugglers, Pirates, and Gambelers, many have said that Erik is the next Han Solo, and has the skills to match it.
---Military History:
---Traumatic Experiances: Erik killing his former master.
Raine Yubari
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Species: human
Homeworld/Province: Manaan
Division: pilot in fallen angels squadron
---Traits: She is a genraly happy person although she is sometimes plagued by the things that happened in the past and the rivers of blood......
---Likes: ships, guns and general fun
---Dislikes: Blood, dishonesty and death
---Habits: somkes but thats about it
---Skin Color: tanned
---Hair Color: black
---Eye Color: blue
---Clothing: tight fitting thin wool tops and slightly flared black/blue jeans
---Other Attributes/Details: Not weak but wouldn't beat a fully grown man in a fight
Weapons: Tstandard gear
Spirit/Force: she has the spirit of her dead sister in her who occasionaly takes over
---Personal History: Raine grew up on a fishing platform out on the Maneise whcih was destroyed, thats all she says about it
---Military History: Raine shows great pilot abbilities especialy over sea due to her training in her fathers tie when she was young.
Bria "Spaz" Hannigan
Type of Character: Jedi Apprentice
Character Status: (Player-Controlled)
Species: Human
Sex: female
Age: 12
Eye/Hair Color: Dark wine red
Height/Weight: 5'2"/100lbs
Home Planet: Unknow
Physical Description: Bria is a somewhat gangaly preteen. Her facial freatures are soft and she has the potentail to be a cruvy young women. Her hair falls to the small of her back but is usually braided or in a knot on the back of her head.
General Skills: Pretty good with a lightsaber,great footwork. Has a lovely singing voice.
Unique Skills: Can hack into just about any computer system,great aim with throwing knifes and small blasters.
Force Power: An appentice
Force Power Descriptions: Has a knack for Force guided empathy,push and pull,still fumbles with concentration so doesn't always have great control.
Primary Focus/Education: Jedi Apprentice
Secondary Focus/Education: Likes music, singing. (Also things dealing with computers)
Primary Weapon: Green lightsaber
Secondary Weapons: Two small throwing knifes and a hand blaster.
Personality: Young but very hopeful in becoming a Knight. As a spark for life and learning. Kinda klutz-y and spazmatic
History: Bria was left on the Academy's door step when she was just a baby. She knows nothing of her family but has been adopted into the Order.
At a young age she found that she could 'guess' passwords and codes to computers. Bria took this and ran with it,becoming an expert hacker by age ten.
The first time she picked up a lightsaber,Bria was fasinated. She quickly adopted a dance like quailty when she fought,since she was nimble enough to do this well Bria fights with the old motto 'If you aren't there,they can't hurt you' in her mind.
Though she had friends,Bria never devolped any close relationships with apprentices her age but took to staying after class and talking with her instrutors. Annia is one of the people Bria looks up to,as she sometimes feels the Jedi way of life is had. To her the woman means freedom and when ever she is around she likes to hang around.
Delta-87 "Duskrider"
Nickname: Duskrider
Gender: Male
Age: clone age 7 years (physical age 26)
Species: Human (Clone)
Homeworld: Kamino
Affiliation: Republic Commando Troopers
---Traits: Likes to laugh, be around friends that he knows well, and well known for setting explosives in middle of battle and takes his time at it.
---Likes: Blowing up or destroy big objects, or anything that involves a big explosion, Flying
---Dislikes: Having the enemy jump out at him.
---Habits: Listening to music
---Skin Color: Light
---Hair Color: Black
---Eye Color: Brown
---Clothing: The standard issue of armor for the Night Ops (mostly black) Commando trooper armor
---Other Attributes: Right prosthetic hand
---Other Details: Duskrider has a normal and athletic built of that of a Clone trooper
Weapons: DC-17m
---Name: N/A at this time
---Hyperdrive Class:
---Sublight Speed:
---Max Cargo (kg):
---Interior Description:
---Other Details:
The Force
---Sensitivity: N/A
-----Handle Description(s):
---Force Abilities:
---Force Weakness:
---Personal History: The beginning of the history of Duskrider is that the same for every clone trooper, but he and a select few many were taken off to the side to learn and to advance their skills in combat that took a little bit longer than that of a basic clone trooper. Duskrider was also trained to fly a Republic Attack gunship, and also was trained in flying the ARC-170. But the Kaminoan’s thought that he was too independent to be a pilot so they trained him to become a Commando.
After his lost on Cato Neimoidia, the republic replaced his missing arm, then a few days before the order 66 was sent out, the Republic put in him in a statis chamber, for use of him in the future for how if he is needed to use against any rebel groups that tries to eliminate the Republic Senate. But they never had a chance to use Duskrider, and his files and location of his statis chamber was lost.
---Military History: His squad first started with the war on Geonosis to disable and destroy one of the many Droid factories and then to go and take one of the Droid Ships out, then the next mission that Duskrider went on with the other 3 Troopers that was in his squad was at Cato Neimoidia to just get a foot hold on the planet so the republic can easily get on and try to Confederacy off the planet and try to get the planet in the control with the republic with smaller mission in the main mission, they were assigned.
---Traumatic Experiences: The last mission he was on when the other 3 members of his squad was killed, the mission was to find a construct of blue prints of the new weapons, droids, and vehicles, and to download on to the republic databank so that the republic can prepare for the new weapons and come up with some stronger weapons and armor to fight these new technologies that the Confederacy came up with and also to over throw the planet in to the hands of the republic. But before they got the to the computers to download the construct, Duskrider’s squad was ambush by a sith apprentice and Delta-05 was cut in half when the sith first attacked, then Delta-47 was killed a minute later followed by Delta-34 a second later and Duskrider manage to lean back in time to shoot the sith in the chest killing him while his saber kept moving cutting off Duskrider’s right hand and cutting the DC-17m in half, from there on out Duskrider could not finish the mission he was assigned and he fell back to where his squad was dropped at and order for a emergency pick up.
Arvel Kier Revik
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Affiliation: Imperial Remnant
---Traits: Soft-spoken individual. Prefers actions over words, though he's far from shy. He can be rather sociable, but having spent a good portion of his youth and early adulthood fighting the Vong, he has a rather cynical edge and is deadly serious in combat.
---Habits: Insomnia
---Skin Color: Caucasian
---Hair Color: Dirty blond, somewhat spiky
---Eye Color: Blue-Grey
---Clothing: In black

---Other Attributes:
---Other Details:
Weapons: Standard issue BlasTech E-11 Carbine for planetary ops. Always carries Blast-Tech DR-24 heavy blaster pistol

Starship: Will Update Later
---Hyperdrive Class:
---Sublight Speed:
---Max Cargo (kg):
---Interior Description:
---Other Details:
The Force
---Sensitivity: Yes
---Religion: Non-aligned
---Lightsaber: Two
-----Crystal(s): Nextor, Solari, and synth-crystals
-----Blade(s): Single blade each
-----Color(s): White
-----Handle Description(s): See 'Weapons' above.
---Force Abilities: Highly trained in most force abilities, though Arvel refrains from using them.
---Force Weakness: Unknown
---Other Force Object(s):
---Personal History: Arvel was born on Coruscant during the relative peace between the end of the Galactic Civil War and the Yuuzhan Vong war. When he was still very young, his parents decided to move away from the political unrest in the core and settled on the Imperial capital of Bastion. He lived a pretty uneventful life in his early years, only working a few odd jobs in his middle-class neighborhood in the capital city during High School. Though the Imperial Remnant was no longer too far removed from core-world civilizations, military service was still held in high regard. Those who served (especially those who became officers) received a lot of benefits, both for themselves and their families. Still, his parents (who had lived through the worst years of the IR) were uneasy when he revealed his desire to apply to the Imperial Naval Academy on Yaga Minor. They eventually (but still reluctantly) supported his decision, however, and he was accepted into the Academy at the age of 17.
---Military History: The first year at the INA was dedicated to academics. The next year incorporated continuing education as well as basic training and specialized classes in one of the three fields of Naval service: fleet/starfighter corps, naval commando/special-ops, or storm trooper. The final 1-2 years were dedicated to field training. Arvel did exceptionally well in his time at the Academy. After his first year, he was at the top of his class, and he chose to continue at the naval commando school in his second year (with a few E.C. classes at fleet). Here too, he excelled. Unfortunately, at the onset of his third year, the Yuuzhan Vong invasion began. Though the IR remained neutral at first, much of his class was pushed into active service as a precautionary measure in case they were forced into the war... which they were. All but a few, however, were given full commissions. Arvel Revik and 3 of his classmates became Acting Sub-Lieutenants while the others remained Officer Cadets or Midshipmen. Arvel was assigned to the Nebulon-H Frigate Carida where he became a platoon leader of that vessel's commando unit. He fought in a series of successful campaigns early in the IR's involvement and became a full Sub-Lieutenant at the age of 21. During the Battle of Bastion, the fleet suffered heavy losses while the world was evacuated. The Carida became severely damaged, and much of the officer core and crew were killed or incapacitated. As ranking officer, Arvel was forced to take command. Thanks to his efforts, both his ship and its battle group managed to take out a couple enemy frigates before retreating to the IR's border worlds. It was here that Naval brass transferred him to fleet service and promoted him to the rank of Lieutenant. In the final years of the war, he served in his new position well. In fact, his new CO thought so highly of him that he gave him temporary command of the Carida on a handful of occasions, preparing him for a promotion as his XO. The Carida was destroyed during the final battle at Coruscant, however, and his CO was killed... but not before submitting a recommendation for his first command. Shortly afterward, Arvel Revik was assigned to the Marauder Corvette Pure Sabaac and continues to serve as that vessel's captain. However, he was recently reassigned, due in part to his transfer to Imperial Intelligence, as of some months ago.
---Traumatic Experiences: Arvel's rush into active service at what is, undoubtedly, the galaxy's most devastating war left him with some subtle mental issues, i.e. shell shock. (Not crazy, just needs some therapy for everything he has seen.)
Fynn "Dagger" Ranir
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Human
Homeworld/Province: Chandrila
Division: RS 6-Flight Officer
Weapons: Father’s blue lightsaber and Blastech EE-3 Blaster
Ship: XJ Wing the Calcifer
Force Sensitive: Yes, but fairly untrained
Appearance/Biography: Fynn Ranir is moderately built and has blue eyes and brown hair; he is of average height. Fynn left Chandrila under bad circumstances and fled to Coruscant to avoid any parental entanglements. He fell into a life of crime before deciding to quit and use his talents for good. Fynn is considered quite intelligent for his age, but feels inadequate due to his lack of Force training.
Kaven Lempsk
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Species: Human
Homeworld: Bespin
Affiliation: Outcast
---Traits: Tends to be a bit irascible
---Likes: The Force, action
---Dislikes: Dull moments, darkness
---Habits: Sometimes gets easily angered, which depends on his current mood
---Skin Color: Tannish white
---Hair Color: Brown
---Eye Color: Brown
---Clothing: Plain grey shirt that is cut off at the sleeves, black pants and boots.
---Other Attributes: 6’ 1”, 200 lbs., somewhat muscular build
---Other Details: Closely resembles Jagged Fel.
Weapons: Green lightsaber
---Personal History:
Kaven Lempsk was born in Cloud City, living amongst the clouds, an elegant red hue decorating the wondrous atmosphere. His family was wealthy, but credits was not what drove him. His motivation was an unknown power that he was born with. There were a myriad of unexplainable coincidences during his youth, and his parents surmised that he was gifted in the Force. In a teary final reunion, Kaven’s parents waved goodbye to their son as he lifted off in a ship with a Jedi. Since then, they have never seen their baby boy.
Kaven was just an average Jedi Padawan, learning the ways of the Force under his Master. This was Kaven’s flaw. He did not cope well with working under someone, but rather, he felt they should all be equal. For this reason, at age seventeen, Kaven diverged from the Jedi Order.
Unknowing of what to do, Kaven stole a ship from a known criminal and flew himself to Coruscant. There, he found the Jedi Outcasts, and has been a member of their legion ever since.
---Military History: Sixteen years of Jedi training.
---Traumatic Experiences: Leaving his parents behind on Cloud City, albeit he doesn’t remember the event very well.
Kylath Dom
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Affiliation: Rebellion/New Republic
---Traits: Is uncomfortable around people he doesn’t know but is very open and friendly towards people he knows.
---Likes: The Republic, tinkering with little gadgets
---Dislikes: Imperials, Being in the middle of a lot of people he doesn’t know.
---Habits: Scratches the back of his head when nervous.
---Skin Color: White/ a little tan from sun exposure
---Hair Color: Brown
---Eye Color: Bluish-green
---Clothing: Civilian clothes, old uniform
---Other Attributes:
---Other Details: Birthmark under right eye and small scar on left forearm
Weapons: Blaster pistol, short knife, hold out blaster
---Name: N/A
---Class: N/A
---Hyperdrive Class: N/A
---Weapon(s): N/A
---Shields: N/A
---Sublight Speed: N/A
---Crew: N/A
---Passenger(s): N/A
---Max Cargo (kg): N/A
---Interior Description: N/A
---Other Details: N/A
The Force
---Sensitivity: extremely weak if even existent.
---Religion: N/A
-----Crystal(s): N/A
-----Blade(s): N/A
-----Color(s): N/A
-----Handle Description(s): N/A
---Force Abilities: N/A
---Force Weakness: N/A
---Other Force Object(s):N/A
---Personal History: Born on Coruscant. Lived in the Middle levels until the Empire forced his father to join the Imperial Army. His mother didn’t have a way to support the family and his father’s money sent back home wasn’t enough to sustain them. Kylath’s father was killed and Kylath joined the Rebel Alliance at the age of 19.
---Military History: Kylath joined the Alliance at the age of 19 and earned one medal for bravery (and a Star Wars version of a purple heart) and went in a few space engagements. Took part in many losing battles. Since the war is over he is just looking for work so he came to the outcasts.
---Traumatic Experiences: Father was killed. Has seen many fellow Rebels get mowed down by stormtroopers.
Ezrin "Roxez" Noxa
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Species: Human
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
Affiliation: None
Occupation: Former slave/podracing technician. Currently a janitor at Nar Shaddaa’s main hangar.
---Traits: Generally cheerful. Tends to be overly optimistic about everything. Does have a severe approval complex though – always looking to be encouraged and praised. Also has what previous employers call “the weirdest luck in the galaxy”. About 70% of the time, Roxez is on the ball with anything he does, sometimes pulling off fixes deemed impossible. He has an innate talent to diagnose mechanical problems despite no formal training. The other 30% of the time usually ends up with something exploding and/or large amounts of property damage. Generally described as the clumsy idiot-savant.
---Likes: Praise for doing good work, playing sabaac. Also loves the ships and vessels, part of his intuitive knowledge.
---Dislikes: People yelling at him (expects beatings), losing his tools (happens frequently), confrontations, hurting others.
---Habits: Tends to sleep in the hangar despite quarters made available for him. Always has headphones on blaring some electronica music style. Usually makes him oblivious to people calling for his attention. Poor sabacc player overall, but his luck kicks in every so often to make him appear better than what he is. Bizarre mix of extreme extrovert and extreme introvert, depending again on how he perceives he is being treated.
---Phobias: Intense fear of bacta tanks. Caused when put into a tank after an injury and a faulty breather nearly caused him to drown. Also is claustrophobic and cannot stand being in cockpits, attributing again to fear of asphixiation.
---Skin Color: Caucasian
---Hair Color: Brown and short. Reddish tint in facial hair. Sports a scraggly unshaven look, but not a full beard.
---Eye Color: Blue
---Clothing: Generally wears a standard grey jumpsuit and black boots. Sometimes a cap on his head. Also always has headphones connected to small music player in his pocket. As a slave, he had a big toolbelt with all sorts of equipment. As a janitor, he now sports a mop.
---Other Attributes: Bruises and scars hidden under clothes from beatings as a slave. Squarish shaped mark on neck where slaving implant was removed.
---Other Details:
Weapons: Generally avoids fights, but if caught in one tends to improvise, or simply use the fists and feet.
The Force
---Sensitivity: None
---Personal History: Parents died when Roxez was only three years old and he ended up living with his uncle, who in order to settle some debt sold him into slavery. He grew up under the servitude of Mistress Kylini, a successful smuggler/pirate who also also sponsored a podracer in the newly returned Podracing circuits. Roxez was little more than an extra hand on Kylini’s large transport until he overheard the pilot and engineer arguing over the pod’s performance and he noticed the engines sounded off. Within moments he had found and fixed the faulty issue. A month later the engineer was left behind on their last stop…
Roxez served as the engineer for a long time, into his late teens. Had several incredible fixes to keep the pod running and money in Kylini’s coffers. Of course, his luck kicked in and he had several disasters as well, leading to beatings. One particular disaster ended up with the pilot in a hospital and the pod destroyed. Despite the repeated attempts to explain that the pod had simply worn out, Kylini immediately sold him to the local podracing track master. Roxez took on the duties there, quickly becoming known as “the worst luck in the universe”. The track master grew increasingly frustrated with him, since none of the pilots would let him near their pod, and no one would buy him. Eventually, the track master simply removed the slave chip and booted Roxez to the street. He tried small jobs and smuggled himself on a transport to Nar Shaddaa, landing a job as janitor in the hangar. With no qualifications, he couldn’t work as a mechanic, but sometimes the techs let him help out, with moderate success. He’s still there, waiting for the next opportunity to arrive…
---Military History: None
---Traumatic Experiences: Can’t reveal all the secrets, can we?
Bastion Joglast
Gender: male
Age: 20
Species: Ewok
Homeworld: Moon of Endor
Affiliation: Himself and his ship
---Traits: Witty, Guarded, Loyal to the end Quiet,sharp, focused and highly disciplined
---Likes: Credits, Chewing Venra root, flying and taking care of his ship
---Dislikes: Slavers, Hutts and injustice
---Habits: chews his finger nails when thinking, always alert
---Skin Color: N/A
---Hair Color: Black with a white strip across right eye.
---Eye Color: Ice blue.
---Clothing: Black tatical combat suit with black combat boots
---Other Attributes: enhanced sense of smell from chewing Venra root.
---Other Details:
Weapons: Hatchet with self-sharpining sheaf,2x hold out blasters,hunting blaster, a hunting bow with different types of arrow heads and stun cuffs
---Name: Endors Wrath
---Type/Class: Modefied z-95 headhunter
---Interior Description:1 seater cockpit with low light illuminations
---Other Details: Modified with hyperdrive capabilities and room for equipment storage and a led down captive.Painted Black and all reconiseable markings removed so as not to be easily tracked and for added stealth.
---Starship Armament:
Heavy Lasers:
Proton-Torpedo Launchers:
The Force
---Religion: Jedi
---Lightsaber Description(s):
---Force Abilities:
---Force Weakness:
---Personal History
When he was very young he was taken from his family and native planet of Endor by slavers working for a hutt on Nar Shaddaa. Upon landing he was fitted with a coller that would translate his native dialect into basic and put to work in the crimelords residence as a servent.After years of beatings and abuse he decided to escape. Early the next morning he woke up and made his way to an enterence of the ventilation duct and climbed in. After climbing and crawling for what seemed like an age he finally emerged from his escape route to find himself at the space docks.He eventualy found an out bound ship it was a Corellian YT- 2000 called the second chance where he got comfortable and drifted into a deep sleep.
When he finaly awoke he found that the ship had landed on the remote planet of Tattooine,He went and found some work at the local Bounty Hunters guild.Five years later he had earned enough credits to buy himself a ship.Once all of the lose ends were tied up he left Tattooine to explore the galaxy.
---Military History: None to date Other than his bounty hunter training.
---Traumatic Experiences:Being taken from his family and homeworld and being beaten for many years.
Jack Morrison
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Unknown (Humanoid in appearance)
Homeworld: Unknown
Affiliation: Jedi Outcasts
---Traits: Cold and to the point to strangers, welcoming and warm to people he considers family
---Likes: Talking with old friends and new friends, reading books, eating beef jerky, smoking a cigar, going to the gym, relaxing by the camp fire with a drink
---Dislikes: Dark Side Jedi, Sith, evil in general, distrustful people, people who lie, people who take advantage of others for their own selfish gains
---Habits: Eating beef jerky or chewing gum when in a good mood, moving legs or feet around when in-patient and can't sit still (like when stuck in meetings), pushing the top of a pin top up and down when in-patient, eating a lot of food, and almost always having a water bottle in hand
---Skin Color: Light
---Hair Color: Brown (Fade style to buzz style hair-cut)
---Eye Color: Blue (The whole eye is blue)
---Clothing: Wears a short-sleeved black T-shirt under a black sleeveless TACT-Two Armored Blast Vest. Jack Morrison wears brown pants and black boots, a black utility belt is around his waist with a large vibroblade on the outside of his right upper thigh. Two blaster holsters are around his chest, one on each side of his upper rib cage under his arm-pits along with a ammo belt that is slung across the front of his chest, with grenades and extra blaster power packs, from right upper shoulder to left lower hip and a brown trench coat is worn over the TACT-Two Armored Vest. A Battle Stick is attached to the upper back of his armored vest, sitting vertical on his back. Black fingerless gloves cover the hands and black sunglasses rest in the left breast pocket of his trench coat along with a tin box of cigars.
---Other Attributes: Has a silver medallion around his neck that is usually under the armored vest and hidden away, but one can see the silver chain around his neck when it is hidden under the armored vest. The medallion is in the shape of the symbol of the Old Republic's Jedi Order.
---Other Details: Has a strong and athletic build.
Weapons: Martial Arts skills, E-3 Blaster Rifle, two WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistols (on chest holsters under the arm-pits), Battle Stick, one large Vibroblade (on right outer thigh), one small vibroblade (hidden away in left upper part of boot), two Scout Trooper Blaster Pistols (one hidden away in right upper part of boot, the other on the back-side of his utility belt under his blast vest)
---Name: Gallant
---Class: Koensayr BTL-S8 K-Wing Assault Starfighter (Heavily modified)
---Hyperdrive Class: Class One
---Weapon(s): Short-range Quad Turbolaser Turret, medium-range Twin Laser Cannon Turret, and hard points for a variety of weapons (some of the eighteen hard points taken out to make room for extra fuel, storage, and equipment for the starfighter and to reduce weight)
---Shields: Deflector Shields (Modified to be stronger than standard ratings)
---Sublight Speed: Can match a X-Wing in speed (Modified for greater speed)
---Crew: Two (One pilot, one gunner)
---Passenger(s): None
---Max Cargo (kg): Unknown (Modified past standard specs to hold more cargo)
---Interior Description: Like a standard K-Wing except for a few changes like pictures or the such in the cockpits
---Other Details: A small living area consisting of a small bed and refresher has been added in for long flights, which sits right below the command module which has been modified to still be able to detach from the wing assembly and act as a escape pod. To make this living space and escape pod work and to keep the weight the same as a standard K-Wing, Jack has gone through the black market and the criminal underground to find lighter weight materials with the same or greater strength as the standard issued materials used in the K-Wings and has also gone to great lengths to reduce the size even more of equipment with-in the K-Wings insides to make room for the living quarters and hyperdrive for example. The fuel tank has been increased slightly and fuel pods can be added to hard-points for long flights. Other improvements/modifications include a improved and upgraded life support system, improved and modified engines and maneuverability, illegally upgraded and modified sensors, weapon systems, jamming and ease dropping equipment, and communications equipment.
The Force
---Sensitivity: Medium
---Religion: Jedi
-----Crystal(s): N/A
-----Blade(s): N/A
-----Color(s): N/A
-----Handle Description(s): N/A
---Force Abilities: Force Push, Force Grab, Force Jump, Force Speed, Force Endurance, Jedi Mind Trick, Force Choke, Force Lightning, basic Force Heal skills, Battle Meld
---Force Weakness: Proper Jedi Training (Training was interrupted and thus has less control and skill as some more veteran Force users. Tends to rely more on his natural abilities then the Force sometimes.)
---Other Force Object(s):
---Personal History: Nothing is much known about Jack Morrison's past, although his current affairs have attracted the attention of not only the most powerful criminal underground groups and crime families, but the attention of the New Republic and Imperial Remnant. Even the Yuuzhan Vong were rumored to have a interest in this mercenary and bounty hunter. Born to two parents, it is not even known if Jack or his parents were human. Jack has a natural ability that puts him past humans and even some aliens in such events such as speed, jumping, and pure strength. Besides Jack and his two parents, there is no record in galactic history of Jack's species. Jack's parents were killed when he was just eight years old, but Jack's mentor, a man only known as "Jay," had Jack already on the path of becoming one of the greatest tools the Force could ever use. Even Jack's true age is unknown. Rumors from him being a thousand years old to being around during the Clone Wars Era have been heard. Whatever Jack's true age is, his talent and skill with the Force can not be over-looked despite his trusted mentor and teacher "Jay" dying of natural causes before he could complete Jack's training with the Force. Jack has lived a very rigged life, a life of travel and hard work. A bounty hunter by trade, Jack will only take the bounty hunter job that even some of the most famous bounty hunters in the galaxy won't take. From time to time, Jack will take a mercenary job to help balance out bills and make ends meet where he needs to. Jack has traveled more of this galaxy then anyone else and is even rumored that Jack has flown so deep into the Unknown Regions where even the Chiss don't dare go. Jack has a keene sense of smell, so keene, he can tell someone's mood, their emotions, their feelings, traps or lies, even their fear, just by smelling the air around him and people around him.
---Military History: N/A
---Traumatic Experiances: Seeing his parents killed in front of him by the "special" bounty that Jack hunts for with-out end and hunts to the edges of Wild Space and to the depths of the Unknown Regi
Jason Bravo
Type of Character: Jedi Knight
Character Status: Player-Controlled
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Eye/Hair Color: Blue-gray/Brown
Height/Weight: 5'11/180 Pounds
Home Planet: Corellia
Physical Description: Jason Bravo has a strong and athletic built. His strength is most seeable in his upper body with a strong, well-defined chest, strong and broad shoulders, and strong, well-defined arms and abs. Jason has blue-gray eyes and his brown hair is cut in a fade-style hair-cut.
Jason Bravo wears sand-brown colored Jedi Robes; Tan colored pants with dark brown knee high boots. The tabards is a tan color, as the long-sleeved tunic is a sand color, the under-tunic being a lighter sand-color. The obi or slash is dark bown in color, the Jedi cloak being a dark brown as well.
General Skills: Basic repair/maintence knowledge of starfighters and land speeders, diplomacy skills, and martial arts
Unique Skills: Swordsman/Lightsaber skills, piloting a starfighter, Emergency Medical Technician-Basic
Force Power: Level 17
Force Power Descriptions: Is very strong in Force Push, Force Throw, Jedi Mind Trick, and Jedi Shielding.
Primary Focus/Education: Combat Specialist and Basic Life Support
Note: Jedi Knight Jason Bravo is a master swordsman, considered the best lightsaber duelist in the Jedi Order. Jason has mastered Form V: Shien / Djem So with a emphasis on Form III: Soresu . In combat, Jason favors Form III: Soresu and Form V: Shien / Djem So, able to masterfully and effortlessly switch between the two forms while in combat.
Secondary Focus/Education: Galactic History
Primary Weapon: Lightsaber (Green blade, looks like Mace Windu's lightsaber in a silver color)
Secondary Weapons: Whatever weapon he can find or his own martial arts skills
Personality: Jason Bravo is a very friendly person. Likes to talk, laugh, and get into debates and discussion of theories. Is always interested with the "what if" possibilities, galactic history, and loves to discusss mysteries, myths, legends, and tales. Jason is always ready and willing for a card game or a discussion over a cup of coffee or hot tea. Jason also loves to read books.
History: Jason Bravo was born on Corellia to middle-classs parents. He was discovered by Jedi Master Yoda and Jedi Master Mace Windu as the pair of Jedi Masters were on a diplomatic mission to the Corellian government. His parents were dead, killed by out-laws just days before and Jason was homeless on the streets. During one of their events to the public, with a parade going, Jedi Master Yoda and Jedi Master Mace Windu found Jason sitting on a nearby ledge in his dirty and torn clothes. Both Jedi Masters felt a strong Force pressence with-in Jason and took him to Coruscant to be raised by the Jedi Order. A variety of members among the Jedi Order took care of Jason, chief among them being Jedi Master Yoda, who always felt a "special gift" with-in Jason.
As a Padawan, Jason was trained by Jedi Master Mace Windu. At age twenty-one, Jason was knighted a Jedi Knight, Mace was very proud that his Padawan had become a Jedi Knight.
Jason showed, at an early age at the Jedi Temple, to have a knack for being very adventurous, taking control of a event that needed controling from his point of view, and bending the rules to fit his own goals. Jason shows this knack of bending the rules by bending the orders from the Jedi Council to achieve his own goals. Jason is very aware of the future, always making plans for what could happen, however, he is even more aware of the "here and now" of the living Force.
Despite Jason's history of disobeying the Council's orders from time to time and his knack for getting in over the top of his head and making a wild adventure of it, Jedi Knight Jason Bravo is one of the most respected and trusted Jedi Knights in the Jedi Order and is often called upon for the most serious of matters. The Jedi Knight is also called upon to instruct lightsaber combat when a instructor is not present or can not attend for some reason. Due to his mastery of lightsaber forms and combat, Jason is often asked by many of the Jedi Padawans, Jedi Knights, and even some of the Jedi Masters to help them get better and even master one of the forms of combat. Jason also backs his lightsaber combat ability with a basic life support skills, which gives the Jedi Knight a basic background in the Medical Field.
Jason served during the Clone Wars and was on the front-lines much of the war. From starfighter combat to leading Clone Troopers into battle. Jason was at the Jedi Temple when Darth Vader attakced with the 501st. Espacing the attack with a handful of Jedi students, Jedi Padawans, and Jedi Knights, Jason managed to get the Jedi group into the escape tunnels under the Jedi Temple, but many of the students, Padawans, and Jedi Knights fell to the 501st's blaster bolts. With few Jedi remaining with him, Jason managed to escape the Clone Troopers that had followed them and ened up in a safe room under the Jedi Temple. Contacted by Jedi Master Yoda, Jason was instructed to put the remaining Jedi group with him in suspended animation. Undiscovered by the Clone Troopers or later by the Galactic Empire, the handful of Jedi students, Jedi Padawans, and Jedi Knights lay in suspended animation, waiting to be discovered.
Cyrus Morgan
Name: Cyrus Morgan
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Species: Human
Homeworld: Unknown/Coruscant
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance: Intelligence
Weapons: USP Blaster Pistols
Cortosis Combat Sword
---Personal History: Not much is known about Cyrus Morgan before he entered the Military. And what is known is Classified in a sealed record that only the Director of Galactic Alliance Intelligence can open with a password provided to them, and the authorization code of former Intelligence Director Hiram Drayson.
---Military History: Cyrus was taken into an elite Unit known as the TacSpec Commandos. Everything about this elite unite is denied. They never officially existed, and no one will ever change their point on this.
Cyrus was trained and served in the Vong war. He and his people were first in last out, behind enemy lines kind of deal.
---Traumatic Experiences: The Yuuzhan Vong war devastated many worlds and people, but Cyrus Morgan saw the worst of the worst during his service. He saw the brutality of the Vong and the Peace Brigade.
The last mission to retake Coruscant was part of the blunt Savagery that took place. Cyrus fled Coruscant after his team was ambushed and murdered. His whereabouts were unknown, though the last known trajectory recorded suggested he had headed towards Korriban for unknown reasons. The Outcasts weren't sent to find him.
Once on Korriban, the Jedi Outcasts came into contact with Cyrus. His reasons for fleeing became apparent when Nom Anor was found on Korriban, having also fled after the battle of Coruscant. The Jedi Outcasts then helped take down and eliminate Nom Anor and the Peace Brigade's remaining members.
Cyrus joined the Outcasts and led a decent life. At one point he was even involved in a mission to save Hobbie Klivian, a former Rogue Squadron member.He remained with the Outcasts for some time until his brothers family needed him.
His brother, officially, had died a hero in the war. Unfortunately, it had been a lie. Cyrus had used his last bit of influence to make his brothers death official, and to make him a hero. His brother had joined the Peace Brigade and had become a monster. Cyrus, unwillingly to let his sister in law know the truth, shielded her from it so that her and her child wouldn't know the real reason her husband and father was dead.
Soon though, he was called back into action. General Belinda Kalendi sent word for him to come to Coruscant. Knowing his family was safe, he went and was told of the trouble they were having with Traest Kre'Fey, and that they needed him arrested and brought back to Coruscant so they could unravel the mystery of who let him out, and who or what was involved and at stake. Cyrus agreed.
Teili Carion
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Affiliation: Smuggler/Jedi
---Traits: Shy, but learning to be more outgoing, friendly, sometimes a little too friendly she thinks.
---Likes: Holos, reading of just about anything, having a good time with friends.
---Dislikes: Joking around when work needs to done.
---Habits: “There’s a time for work, and a time for play” – If it’s time to work, Teili’s all serious and fully attentive.
---Skin Color: Tan-brown
---Hair Color: Dark Brown
---Eye Color: Brown
---Clothing: Comfortable-fitting blank pants, boots, short-sleeved shirt.
---Other Attributes: Utility belt that is also use to carry her sabers, and holster her blaster pistol.
---Other Details: A necklace that was told to once be Teili’s mother’s. Her brown hair is mostly tied into a single braid, especially during her work, otherwise it’s let loose.
Weapons: Lightsabers, Blaster pistol
---Name: Starry Night
---Class: Starwind-class pleasure yacht
---Hyperdrive Class: 1; Back-up class: 15
---Weapon(s): 2 quad laser cannon turrets
---Shields: Military-grade deflectors
---Sublight Speed: 86 MGLT (900km/h atmosphere)
---Crew: 3 (up to 5 total)
---Passenger(s): 10
---Max Cargo (kg): 20,000 kg
The Force
---Sensitivity: Medium-High
---Religion: None
---Lightsabers (2)
-----Crystal(s): Opila and Nextor
-----Blade(s): 2
-----Color(s): Cyan and Violet
---Force Abilities: Cloak, Jump, Lightening
---Force Weakness: Occasionally fear, mostly of losing the people she cared so much for.
---Personal History: Teili grew up not knowing her birth parents. She was pretty much raised by Talon Karrde, who was the closest thing to a father for her and apparently knew her parents quite well. She had worked with Karrde’s team most of her teenage life. At age 20 she began to realize that she could sense things before they actually happened, this is when she went to see Luke Skywalker, a friend of Karrde’s, who she had learned that also could sense much similar things. Luke quickly realized her force potential and took her as his apprentice.
---Military History: Alongside Karrde and his team, helped the New Republic fight their war against the Empire, to some extent. After also fighting many battles alongside Luke Skywalker, she went in the direction of the Jedi Outcasts, where she started off following the team, eventually gaining her status as the intelligence network lead.
Alexander d’ Cannith
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Affiliation: The New Jedi Outcasts
---Traits: Quiet, kind, loyal, brave
---Likes: Ossus, the Force, lightsabers, Jedi history
---Dislikes: The Sith, The Unknown Regions
---Habits: Likes to twirl his lightsaber in one hand
---Skin Color: Tanned
---Hair Color: Brown
---Eye Color: Pale-Blue
---Clothing: Long, black cloak with hood; black Jedi garments (shirt, leggings); black boots
---Other Attributes: Deft, flexible build
---Other Details: None
Weapons: Lightsaber
---Name: Advent
---Class: Modified Incom T65 X-Wing Starfighter
---Hyperdrive Class: x1
---Weapon(s): 4 fire-linked blaster cannons, 1 light ion cannon, 1 proton torpedo launcher
---Shields: Yes
---Sublight Speed: 400,000 kilometers per second
---Crew: 1
---Passenger(s): 1
---Max Cargo (kg): 500 kg
---Interior Description: Not modified; regular X-Wing interior
---Other Details: None
The Force
---Sensitivity: Extremely strong
---Religion: The Jedi Order (lightside vs. darkside)
-----Crystal(s): Krayt Dragon Pearl, Opila (in both)
-----Blade(s): 2
-----Color(s): Blue (lightside), Red (darkside)
-----Handle Description(s):
---Force Abilities: Battle Meditation, Enhance Ability, Force Jump, Force Strike, core and basic lightside Force powers.
---Force Weakness: Force Choke
---Other Force Object(s): None
---Personal History: Born on Coruscant, Alexander d’ Cannith was a prodigy in the arts of lightsaber combat. His skills allowed him to win the annual lightsaber tournament three times in a row, unheard of. During a mission to capture a rogue Jedi Knight, his Master was struck down and Alex defeated the rogue without falling to his anger. This act of heroism and staying true to the Force allowed Alex to graduate to the rank of Jedi Knight at the young age of twenty-five. Soon after his graduation to Jedi Knight, he joined the ranks of the New Jedi Outcasts, forsaking the Jedi Order forever.
---Military History: None
---Traumatic Experiences: Watching his Master be killed by a rogue Jedi Knight
Arya Olson
Gender: Female
Age: 40
Species: Gungan
Homeworld: Naboo
Affiliation: Jedi Outcasts
---Traits: Dominant, Rule-concience
---Likes: Water
---Dislikes: weakness
---Habits: Tends to become easily frustrated.
---Skin Color: Tan/brown
---Hair Color: None
---Eye Color: Purple
---Clothing: a soft, fast-drying tunic
---Other Attributes: Belief of equality
---Other Details: Very flexible
Weapons: Sniper rifle, side blaster
---Name: Troop transport
---Class: Troop class?
---Hyperdrive Class: ?
---Weapon(s): Twin lasers, proton torpedoes
---Shields: Ray and particle
---Sublight Speed: -
---Crew: 2 pilots, 2 gunners
---Passenger(s): 20 men
---Max Cargo (kg): -
---Interior Description: Chairs. Water. Nothing big, cheap, on the jedi outcasts budget.
---Other Details:
The Force
---Sensitivity: Weak
---Religion: None
-----Crystal(s): none
-----Blade(s): none
-----Color(s): none
-----Handle Description(s):none
---Force Abilities: aim?
---Force Weakness: None
---Other Force Object(s): none
---Personal History: Raised by her uncle, with her cousin, in a small colonized lake in a quiet area of Naboo, far from Theed. Then, one day, a diving task force of Stormtroopers came and burned down her home. By the will of the force, she was out hunting that day. Shew then recognized he force and joined the Outcasts.
---Military History: She joint for two reasons. First was that she felt she owed it to the force. Secondly, she felt the need for personal vengeance.
---Traumatic Experiances: Death of close family. All of her known relatives were dead.
Thor Prenn
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Species: Human
Homeworld: Corellia
Affiliation: Jedi outcast
---Traits: Gentle, Caring, mature, not very agressive, funny
---Likes: Fighting, women, simple things, flying
---Dislikes: Immature people, winey people
---Habits: biting nails,
---Skin Color: light
---Hair Color: blonde
---Eye Color: blue
---Clothing: brown jedi robes
---Other Attributes: long, sort of messy hair, beard
---Other Details: fit, but a little over weight.
Weapons: 2 clear/silver lightsabers, 1 blaster pistol
---Name: The Pheonix
---Class: Mon Cal Freighter
---Hyperdrive Class: Fast
---Weapon(s): 2 quad laser cannons, top and bottom, 4 torpedo launchers
---Shields: fair
---Sublight Speed: Fast
---Crew: 2-6
---Passenger(s): up to 20
---Max Cargo (kg): 1000 kg? (im not very clear on what a acceptable cargo weight is)
---Interior Description: not very prety, has seen better days, but gets the job done
---Other Details:
The Force
---Sensitivity: very sensitive, can hide himself also
---Religion: What does this mean?
---Lightsaber: 2 regualr, plain hilts
-----Crystal(s): Durindfire, bondar
-----Blade(s): normal, can kill or stunn
-----Color(s): silver/clear
-----Handle Description(s): plain
---Force Abilities: Memory wipes, hiding himself, moving objects, using the force to fight
---Force Weakness: telekeisis
---Other Force Object(s):
---Personal History: born an orphan on corellia, he wandered the streets untill he was discovered by a jedi mastter, became a padawan and then graduated to knighthood at the age of 17. did the jedi thing for a year and then went on a 5 year sojourn to explor the force, upon coming back, he realized there was more to the force then the jedi said and withdrew from the order.
---Military History: none, but good piolet and fighter.
---Traumatic Experiances: watching countless orphans die on corellia, as well as watching his master die at the hands of a trator
Lance T. Soltaris
Known Aliases (In order of use): "DeathKnight Lead", "Psycho", "Boss", "Solar Squadron Leader" (Damn if that's not an old one), "Unit P-2" (Or did I forget my old call number already? =P)
Force-Sensitivity: High
Force Religion: Light
Musical Preference: Heavy Metal
Designation: Heavy Assault/Dark Side Implementation/Close-Quarters Battle
Last Known Rank: Major
Last Known Operation Site: Nyum
Last Known Fatality: King Ijun, the King of War
Last Known Contact: Approximately ten months prior. Subject was seen in the morgue on a slab, already starting to chill.
Backstory (Spanning the previous ten months):
A year ago, the Jedi Outcasts lost a member when one of their paramilitary field operatives took his own life in the hallway outside of a briefing room, mid-debriefing. Medics rushed to the scene to find a man bleeding from a massive head-wound, consistent with blunt trauma from a 0.50-magnum shell. One expended casing was found near the body, and a matching half-inch-diameter bullet was found in his brain. The murder weapon was found in a cold, metal hand that was surgically attached to the body, and no Force signature was present. Final reports indicate that the Dark Side was strong around the fallen warrior just moments before he pulled the trigger...
...But he didn't die. In fact, he wasn't even anywhere near the ship when the 'fatal' shot was fired. What everyone saw, what everyone felt, what everyone witnessed, was all just a deception. Every last bit of it was a lie perpetrated by a man who needed time to find himself...and didn't want to endanger his friends while he did so. For almost an entire year since, the dark, chaotic soul has been wandering around the barren wastes of a once-proud and now-nightmarish world, his connection to the Force voluntarily severed on all but the most basic and imperceptible of levels, a doppleganger sitting in his place in a cold slab somewhere in the morgue.
Dateline: Coruscant. A slight twitch, a simple shudder. A scream of agony, and the image of Hell itself. A fallen hero awakens, pain coursing through his body as the sensations of months of torture come back to the surface of the present. A single black eye opens up to greet the painful world, rage shining forth in it...
...with the temperance of the Light instead of the sinfulness of the Dark. Weakened by torture and months of voluntary severance, a lonely life breaks free of captivity, screaming back out in the Force with every ounce of might it can muster. Deformed, reshaped, and battered, the DeathKnight is alive once again.
Rick "Rio" D'Arcangelis
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Human
Homeworld: Naboo
Affiliation: nobleman's son
Traits: quick tempered, smart, a real go getter, and honor is very important. Doesn't trust many people.
Likes: Machines, fast speeders, hanging out with friends doing nothing, math
Dislikes: People who hurt others, people who dishonor, and his father's dislike for his like of building and tinkering
Habits: building things, racing speeders, mouthing off
Skin color: caucasin
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: blue green
Clothing: shirt, pants, shoes, and over tunic.
Other Attributes: Tall 5'8'' Broad shoulders
Other Details: Short hair, and scar on hand and arm from knife fight.
Weapons: DH-17 Blaster, fists
Starship: N/A
Sensitivity: Medium
Religion: Lightside
Lightsaber: N/A
Force Abilities: Moving things
Force Weakness: Telapathic
Other Force Objects: N/A
Personal History: Has grown up and easy life. Day dreams of an adventurous life. Tinkers with things on the side. Has crashed multiple speeders and swoops.
Military: N/A
Traumatic: Saw best friend die in a street fight at age 11. Beaten when he thought he was hanging with friends at age 13. Accidently force pushed a man while the man was hitting him.
Thomas Winston Smith
Nicknames: "Tom", "Eagle", "Hawk-Eye"
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Species: Human
Homeworld: Naboo
Affiliation: Jedi Outcasts
--- How: (IC: "Remnant stopped sending a paycheck, but there is still someone that needs to die. His name is Yun-Yuuzhan, and it's high time he caught a few bolts to the chest.")
Last Known Employer: Imperial Remnant
Last Known Occupation: Imperial Remnant Special Operations
Position: Marksman
Auxiliary: Medium-range assault, light medical training (non-certified)
Last Known Teammates: (See list below.)
--- General (simulated) Lance Thomas McCallister (CO, Heavy Assault) [Deceased]
--- High Colonel Dalston Tiberius Starscythe (XO, Automatic Rifleman) [KIA]
--- Lieutenant-Colonel James Peter Michaels (Vehicles, Explosives) [KIA]
--- Major Hal Louis Johnson (Communications, Slicer) [KIA]
--- Major Angela Abigail Anderson (Combat Medic, Light Assault) [KIA]
--- Major Jonathan Spartan (Heavy Assault, Automatic Rifleman) [KIA]
---Traits: Highly organized and ordered, much like anyone else subjected to the harsh rigors of Imperial discipline. Tends to (over-)act on the side of chivalry near a lady, even if nobody else is nearby, which could make him seem like a submissive. Due to his time in the Remnant, his voice permanently carries an Imperial accent, despite his efforts to make it fade away.
---Likes: Sniping, romancing the 'available' ladies (with particular emphasis on that part), and trying to have a good time. Unfortunately, many people who have met him assume that he is incapable of such, due in large part to the Imperial influence on his personality.
---Dislikes: Arrogant people, slovenly sods, and anyone who thinks they can succeed in their current task despite overwhelming proof and logic to the contrary (read: people who are stubborn to a dangerous fault)
---Habits: Cleans his rifle before and after combat, checking it over at least 3 times before deployment. Has a tendency to check it during briefings, much to the chagrin of his last CO.
---Skin Color: Caucasian
---Hair Color: Brown, graying
---Eye Color: Grey
---Clothing: Standard-issue black Imperial army duty uniform (non-dress issue), with Colonel rank tag (3 cylinders, 3 red squares, 3 blue squares), SpecOps departmental patch, and DeathKnights team patch.
---Other Attributes: Wears an eye-patch over his left eye (non-sniping eye) when on-duty, removing it only when required or not deployed.
Weapons: Xerol Nightstinger (Preferred weapon during Remnant service. {OOC Note: I'd only drop this one into the profile if it's allowed.}), slugthrower-styled energy sniper rifle (OOC: Visual is analogous to the US M-24 bolt-action sniper rifle. Due to obvious technological advancements over the standard-issue slugthrower, the bolt-action mechanism is omitted.)
The Force
---Sensitivity: N/A. The remainder of this section is omitted.
---Personal History: (Note from Imperial Remnant Military High Command: This information has been withheld by a personal request from the rights-holder, and may be revealed only through a request from a command hearing. {OOC: Or, in English... I don't have that much ready yet. =P})
---Military History: (OOC: Not terribly much ready here, either... Those among the High Command group reviewing this will probably remember that I kept referring to an incident when playing the persona of Major Soltaris... Something about a crisis near a Remnant outpost on Dantooine. The DeathKnights themselves had two survivors... Lance, and this sniper fellow here. That's about the only concrete stuff I have down for his past so far.)
Gender: male
Age: 18
Species: human
Homeworld: Corelia
Affiliation: fallen jedi
---Traits: fast, strong, cheerful and carefree
---Likes: food fighting friendship
---Dislikes: those who act better than others
---Habits: tends to eat his own words…
---Skin Color: white
---Hair Color: dark brown
---Eye Color: green
---Clothing: dark green jedi robes with red swirls on it
---Other Attributes: hair down to his shoulders
---Other Details: wears a necklace with a gem that changes color with the weather
Weapons: lightsaber double bladed lightsaber and two metal daggers kept hidden in his robes
Starship modified a-wing
---Name: the zap-o-matic
---Hyperdrive Class:
---Sublight Speed:
---Max Cargo (kg):
---Interior Description:
---Other Details:
The Force
---Sensitivity: really high
---Religion: none
-----Crystal(s): green
-----Blade(s): 3
-----Color(s): green
-----Handle Description(s): single is standard issue double is black with white buttons
---Force Abilities: choke lightning wave and stasis field
---Force Weakness: persuasive
---Other Force Object(s): ancient holograms teaching fighting and forces moves
---Personal History: Grew up on Corelia with family. On a trip to coruscant he was found by Luke and trained to be a jedi after his knighting he found the order to be corrupted and wrong he then left and became a mercenary
---Military History: none
---Traumatic Experiances: none
Unnlimahted Powuuh
Gender: Male
Age: 214
Species: Wookiee
Homeworld: Kashyyyk
Affiliation: Refugee
—Traits: Unnlimahted possesses a great capacity for kindness
—Likes: Honor, loyalty, kindness
—Dislikes: Trandoshans, slavers, those who dishonor themselves
—Habits: Unnlimahted is sometimes rash and short-tempered
—Skin Color: Unknown
—Hair Color: Dark brown with black highlights
—Eye Color: Deep reddish-brown
—Clothing: Tech specialist belt, Kubaz scoundrel gloves, slave chains on his wrists
—Other Attributes: Skills D-Package implanted
—Other Details: Unnlimahted is sensitive about the subject of his chains
Weapons: Ceremonial Bowcaster, Force pike
The Force
—Sensitivity: Moderate
—Force Abilities: Has frequent nightmares of the slaughter and enslavement of his people and has visions of their current locations
—Force Weakness: Unknown as of yet
—Personal History: Living more of a calm and somber life, Unnlimahted (or Unn to his closer friends) has had more than a traumatic life. Having been married at age 76 due to an arranged marriage between wookiee clans, he was blessed with three children, two boys and one girl. During his 76 years, Unn had a knack for machines and became one of many wookiee technicians for the Republic. However, his life quickly changed when Trandoshan slavers returned to his homeworld and began the enslavement of his people. Those who put up a resistance were slaughtered, and those who submitted were enslaved.
In defending his family from the oncoming horde of Trandoshans, Unn was knocked unconscious by a slaver and blacked out. When he awoke, he was no longer with his family. He was caged like a beast and was subjected to heavy labor tasks for an entire century.
After that time, he managed to escape and could not help but feel remorse for his family and friends. Unn does not even know if they are even still alive. He has roamed the galaxy as a refugee for 38 years.
—Military History: Served as a technician for the Republic forces on Kashyyyk
—Traumatic Experiences: Being separated from his wife and children during the enslavement of his people
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Human
Homeworld: Yavin IV
Affiliation: Jedi, Outcasts (hopefully)
---Traits: None that are known of
---Likes: Discoveries, Lightsaber training, a sense of worth
---Dislikes: Disloyal and Untrustworthy people
---Habits: Runs fingers through hair
---Skin Color: Caucasion/tanned
---Hair Color: Sandy Blonde
---Eye Color: Blue
---Clothing: Black Jedi robes, cloak and boots
---Other Attributes: N/A
---Other Details: N/A
Weapons: Lightsaber, Miniature Blaster on right hip
---Name: Black Shadow (and other aliases that I can not recall)
---Class: Carrier-Cruiser
---Hyperdrive Class: Unknown
---Weapon(s): 24 Heavy Turbo Lasers, 20 Ion Cannons
---Shields: Delfector and others
---Sublight Speed:
---Crew: 1,250
---Passenger(s): 1,250
---Max Cargo (kg): 5,000 Metric Tons
---Interior Description: That of a regular ship long hallways, busy crew and decent sized sleeping quarters
---Other Details: The hangar bay has one ship in it, Amos' black and blue A-wing
The Force
---Sensitivity: Very Much so...
---Religion: Jedi, others
-----Crystal(s): Amos' Crystal
-----Blade(s): Normal
-----Color(s): Blue
-----Handle Description(s):
---Force Abilities: All force abilities
---Force Weakness: Dark Jedi attacks
---Other Force Object(s): Healing stone (aquired by a friend)
---Personal History: Unknown (reluctant to tell anyone)
---Military History: Has been in a fair amount of wars and can more then hold his own against most foes
---Traumatic Experiances: Lost a padawan, got demoted in the Jedi Order, among others...
Ewan Jinn
Gender: M
Age: 16
Species: Human
Homeworld: Nabbo
Affiliation: ???
Personality Kind hearted cares for friends and won't leave anyone behind.
---Traits: Good at helping others flying a fighter and fixing things
---Likes: Fun, kicking ass, learning going places and doing things.Going places helping others traing other force useers
---Dislikes: Mean people the darkside and people who thing there all that and people whp thing there better then me.
---Habits: Not knowing when to stay out of stuff.
Appearance Tall and has bilt body
---Skin Color: light tan skin
---Hair Color: Brown
---Eye Color: Hazal
---Clothing: Obi-wan Kenobi robes
---Other Attributes: Jedi can use the force rally well and a master healer.
---Other Details: Eyes change colors
Weapons: Lightsaber blaster can you any kinf of blaster
Starship Jedistart fighter
---Hyperdrive Class:
---Sublight Speed:
---Max Cargo (kg):
---Interior Description:
---Other Details:
The Force
---Sensitivity: Really high
---Religion: Jedi I guss i'm not big on it.
---Lightsaber {[[[[[[>>>>>(O)>>>>[ #################################}
-----Crystal(s): blue
-----Blade(s): see for youself
-----Color(s): the color can change
-----Handle Description(s): Like Obi-Wan's saber.
---Force Abilities: Everyting but dark powers
---Force Weakness: Wisdom and foucs
---Other Force Object(s):
Biography Found by the Jedi loved it but saw flws they didn't want to see.
---Personal History: A lonly soul that has friends and gose all over space now.
---Military History: I'm with the black brids fleet and i'm a high ranked pielot.
---Traumatic Experiances:
Bad times with the Jedi and seeing what the Jedi don't want to see.